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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    Bad Crash

    meh... nothing a couple bands and a good buffing can't take care of.
  2. Skinner


    I have see Clear see through blue and yellow done on the front likes. (rockblocker). I dont know of any shop that will do that (tint or vinyl). the best thing I can say is to leave the rear lights alone. If that not a opion go to a vinyl shop and find out type of spray they use for the surface before appling the vinyl. The spray will let the vinyl move so you will have a mistake buffer till it dries.
  3. yeah link to the thread???
  4. how do you explain that to the cops??
  5. Sure when Emerson (far left)was 3 weeks old his intestines tore where the meet the colen. Its caused by NEC (for short don't ask me to spell it out i can't) basicly the tissue is dead. He had 3 cm of tissue removed and a 1/3 of his colen. recovered from that surgey but basicly had his intestine and colen sticking out of his stomach and all waste went into a bag. (was kinda gross). orginally was going to have to stay that way until he got stronger and gained more lbs. but after a month his weight gain was minamal at best. He went back into surgey had everything reattached and was hole about 3 weeks later. I found out last month that only 15% of premes (sp?) survive this condition. So he beat the odds and has a 6 inch scare running across his stomach to prove it. He the fighter of the bunch too.
  6. http://www.break.com/movies/snakehippo.html if its not a hippo its a small horse!!?!??!?!?!?!
  7. Orion is your man. also this is in the wrong area
  8. bike motor and trans would be the way I would go as well Alos if you not happy with power add a turbo and call it a day.
  9. yeah I traded in my truck for a minivan . Its all good cuz the wife drives that and I've the the 3 now but was wanting to get a custom tag that said my 3 sons but it was taken.
  10. yeah you may want to get registered since this sounds more like a vendor/services rendered deal. PM the mods here they will let you know whats required.
  11. our total out of pocket was 5k. If you ask me it was a pretty good deal.
  12. Are both O/S's on the same partion? if not just delte the dir if so I'm not sure if it can be done with format and reinstall.
  13. OK so after everything was said and done and wegot all of our bills from the hospital we totaled just over a cool million. which included wifes 2 month stay at OSU. birth/ C section boys stay at OSU NICU boys stay at Childerns NICU. and 2 major surgeys for Emerson. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/IMG_0885.jpg Money well spent. Thank god for insurance.
  14. I went to callege for graphic design but never finished. I now work for Natrionwide out in Dublin make great money for what i do. I went through tech systems as a contractor and was brought on as a employee after a year and a half. PM if you want more details we are always bringing people on.
  15. so thats what just one looks like. :) Don't listen to him hes full of shit. Congrats man. So when is your due date? If its a boy we have tons of clothes that we will be able to get rid of for cheap cheap. Only tough thing I had to deal with was lack of sleep and honestly its not that bad. To get out of bed at 3 in the morning for myseld was hard but to do it for my boys wasn't hard at all.
  16. http://www.autotrader.com/dealers/dda/detail.jsp?car_id=206983490&dealer_id=1884839&car_year=1982&make=&dealership_view_name=www.carsourceauto.com&model=&suppressStyle=null&result_car_id=null&max_price=5000&sort_type=make_modelASC&min_price=&end_year=2007&start_year=1981&cardist=25 Someone better jump on this.
  17. yeah like berto said only thing you can do is talk with this MGR. Although I would go in as earlier as possible and call his bluff about kicking your ass. If he tries anything that will surely get him fired. As for the car being towed I doubt it was towed for the cracked windshield If i had to guess it was towed for the tags if they were expired that would explain the tow. If not I would take with your apartment complexe to see if they had anything to do with it (more than likely they called the tow service). If so let them know so it doesn't happen again. then rip thier asses for not putting a warning notice on the car.
  18. that or if you a prick with money to waste you could make his life a living hell.
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