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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I disagree on the lock up issues. when the wife was up in the hostipal using her powerbook it would lock up all the time while on the internet. Mind you the connection was dialup which i think was part of it for some reason. Here at the house I have used it enough to see if it still locks up. To say its better then a PC when it comes to reliability I disagree I havent had a single problem with my system it the last year + and I only reimaged it once because I wanted to add a partion and clean up a bunch of shit that I wasn't using. I like the powerbook I'll never use it to its full potental but it is hands down the one of the nicest laptops I have ever used (aside from it missing the ability to touch click with the touchpad).
  2. http://www.agearhigher.com they are up in polaris and have a lot of good deals.
  3. that the pusrod 2.2 it will take 100 shot and die 50 shot is safe. IIRC rods will fail at 200ish hp. ecotech didn't come out till 2002 on select models. wasnt the standard engine till 03
  4. bad gas or a fouled plug would be my guess.
  5. never seen that one before top gear did something simular.
  6. reason 10000000 why PC >mac you would have never had to pay $3000 to the same compents and preformance from a PC. yes you get resale but in the end its still a Mac.
  7. so is that thing blowing fire out do to nitrious backfires???
  8. you still at bicycle one??
  9. yes it is the same engine has BF2 but has been tweaked a bit. 2142 is like BF nam was for BF1942.
  10. You'll like the next installment
  11. 2003 sufire hasa ecotec engine and IIRC there is no throttle cable its a throttle by wire setup so the pedal will have a difernet feel to it.
  12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1117841581794570108&q=genre%3Aanimation I would have let go personally
  13. sucks to hear but home depot didn't make the door they just sell it. Its not thier fault one of there vendors shipped them poor product.
  14. wonder if the rotors got warped.
  15. mazda hp 165 van hp 185 sad ass total 350
  16. the mazda was 20k the van was 24k
  17. na... once I get rid of the mazda I will be getting a scooby of some kind Legacy or WRX by that time they will be enough to set in a basic/upright car seat.
  18. not possible there is no such thing as a cool minivan.
  19. see thats you problem, you still have to BUILD fords to make them better.
  20. welcome I have family in St. Charles.
  21. was replaced with this. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/100_0065.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/100_0068.jpg :( :( It was bought out of need not desire... for a van it drives nice ans all the power options that we need and will hauls kids just fine. yay... There is one up side to this thou... I don't have to drive it, its the wifes ride. So I get her ride which is fine for me. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/100_0053.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/frontright2.jpg car is nice for a dd just need to lower it a bit and tint the windows. Things that I have learned since owning the van are you can never use the the words cool, fun, awsome, exciting, happy, and minivan in the same sentence (its actually against the law...hmmm) minivan can out run pos hondas from a dig (was quiet funny actually since it only had day old temp tags) thier is no way possible of looking good of stepping out of a minivan. EVER!!!! once you buy one you will most likely always have one yes a little part of me died the day we signed the papers but is was a must need.
  22. I depends on the dealership. we just picked up a minivan (god it really hurts to say that) and was dealing with hatfeild kia they were try pushing there 05 models off the lot the 06s were there and they needed them gone. there insentive was 5k cach off the sticker. My neighbor picked one up from the and they ended up giving him close to 7 off sticker. But it all depends on the dealership. This the S2k is thier "sportscar" themy may be less willing to budge on the price. Best thing you can do is ask to see what deals they are offering. If your seriously interseted they will be willing to work with you and hopfully are upfront with you. If not they don't deserve your business.
  23. I say a sleeper is any car that looks stock and was fairly slow of mainly condsider a daily driver that can run with or beat car that were built for speed.
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