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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I think shes taking the wrong kind of hormon pills for something.
  2. Skinner


    oh another good place to eat at is Portillos (sp?) great food and then also have a killer chacolate cake mike shake.
  3. Skinner

    Over Teh Limitts

    can you say party plates
  4. personally if it is a reliable daily driven car 12s is fast. If its a weeken toys 10s or better.
  5. Skinner


    a must is to eat at the Billy goat http://www.billygoattavern.com/ would check out navy pier and or millenum park. Ed dabevics (sp?)
  6. all tha money invested in that truck and it has a $45 ebay gauge cluster overlay.
  7. Skinner


    oh the irony of that statement. Thanks we will the same way about you.
  8. you pretty much described the driving expirence for all of columbus.
  9. i take it thats for the ram?
  10. I used to for the longest time thats what i had for PC sspeakers. the output on our PC is not amplifed so you will be good
  11. well to do it wireless you need some kind of wireless receiver to plu in the head unit. the easiest way to do it is to get a head jack to rca convertor from radio shack for like 2 buck and then plu the RCAs into the head unit the only down side is you will have to unplug it if you want to use your PC speakers.
  12. thats cool then southwestern school district is one of the better ones to be in. That will def help out when it comes to resale.
  13. are you in the columbus public school district?
  14. contracts and welcome to the club. Who did you build through?
  15. yes she is a twin and her father was a twin, one of her aunts had twins as well. So yeah i guess it runs in her family a little bit. We kinda expected twins but not trips.
  16. ok last month th wife an I found out we were having twins (yay for me) all was good an we were starting to ramp up and get ready for everything. Today the wife had her second of many ultrasounds and found that we are not having twins but are having triplets. yes triplets thats right 3 small versions of me. We still dont know if they are identical or what sex they are yet(to early). Before I was like ok twins, nows its like HOLY SHIT. anyway just thought i would share my shock and excitment with everyone. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/triplets.jpg
  17. dude never post again, really. did you even read the prior post before posting?
  18. Skinner


    actually its a pick of a elk not a moose
  19. I would also have no problems with paying $5 or $10 a year for access here. One we should do is have it be a option not everyone is going to want to pay when the first sign up. If we go to a yearly subscrition it should still be free to sign in but with very limited access and once you pay you get full access. Also for members that pay there will have to be a different or modified policy on banning them since they pay they are paying for the right to be here. So we if the do something that is ban worthy it there may need to be a differnet recourse for that.
  20. https://www.anadynesystems3.com/servlets/frhclientformdisplay?xr4=&formts=2005-08-16%2013:56:35.171002 your welcome
  21. Idf you know the carema is thre and you are doing the 11 over your telling me you don't slow down. But your right a camera cant make you slow down but the 5 or 10 tickets you get mailed to uyou for speeding on that road will not only get you to slow down they will raise your insurance and possibly cause you to loose your lisence.
  22. not to pick sides but what will your agrument by if they lose to NE? personally i like both teams and if have to choose it would be Pitt
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