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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. It had nothing to do with gas savings, it was a front to pump money into the failing auto industry without looking like another flat bailout. Also, it was to get people to spend money when they didn't really need to. It got people to get loans when most were cutting back spending and reducing debt.
  2. TY for the info, i'll have to look into this though my spray plans went out the window for now.
  3. or greedy come see me every week to "fix your problem" types yet you never seem to actually get better.
  4. Well, as I said it was a dump before, now it's a flat out shithole with no hopes of recovery. Exactly.
  5. Against it, look at WV and the bigger shithole it has become now that they have gambling. It helped nothing over there other than turned shitty towns into even shittier towns.
  6. http://agweber.net/imagedir/animals/dramaLlama.jpg Also, I thought I was pretty clear in my statement: I saw the sig, but I can put a banner in my sig too, doesn't mean I'm really a doctor. Meh, I thought it was a legit question but if you want the drama llama to run rampant, have at it.
  7. I play with my kids. They don't care about being poor as long as they are fed.
  8. I've seen that happen in some residential areas where they don't allow hunting. People feed them and ther don't fear people.
  9. Nope, but I am giving my OPINION on what worked for me as was asked by the OP.
  10. Meh, $100 inversion table is cheaper than a quackropractor charging $100 per visit, prescribing costly prescription after prescription and still not "fixing" the problem.
  11. self pwnage.... o-well, works for me and quite a few guys at work. No chiropractor fees either. :gtfo:
  12. more details for those of us in a similar situation?
  13. mildly affective for you? or are you a chiropractor and licensed to give opinion on back health? I know of many including myself that they work well for.
  14. inversion table http://backworks.com/images/Inversion%20Table
  15. looks like you got competition: http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/drag-racing-results/1183294-calspeed-ls1-mustang-might-break-stock-ls1-record-weekend-10-0-easy-pass-today.html
  16. mine went 13.4@106 stock to the paper filter on 2.73's.
  17. I have an olympus available but it belongs to the company. it's 50 feet and can take full video and HIGH res pics. Sadly, they won't let me take it home to "borrow".
  18. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94958 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=95833 and here's the one I used last, I need to grab one for myself: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=66550
  19. Yeah, the funny thing is, 90% of the time people give you advice yet they have never even seen a bear let alone had to "deal" with one. My brother-in-law is an avid hunter and trained woodsman for many states. I'll take his advice.
  20. I've always been told NEVER climb a tree, even for a grizzly. They'll play hell trying to get you even more if you climb as they think it's a game then. I'll side with the advice of many redneck hunters from WV, but thanks though.
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