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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. ok not to highjack the thread but for those who havnt seen it 1:10 left in the vid http://videos.streetfire.net/video/3-fast-3-furious_2247.htm i got that uh uh......
  2. we could make a movie like this http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Fast-and-the-Furious-animated-in-miniature_74835.htm
  3. i seriously laughed out loud... i have about 10 full tapes of racing most of which has never been released to the public. for their safety alone.
  4. signup for NASA https://www.nasaproracing.com/joinrenew.html signup for mid ohio HPDE group1 you don't have to go all 3 days you can do just friday or just sat - sun (might want to check on friday last i heard they were holding it for some reason) http://racenasa.nasamidwest.com/season/ they usually provide free water but i bring my own anyway lots of it you will need it bring long pants long sleeves helmet don't miss the drivers meetings don't set your parking break when you get off the track bring extra oil and it's a good idea to read this http://www.nasaproracing.com/rules/ccr.pdf you can tech early at an approved facility or tech at the host hotel or at the track in the morning either way print some of these out http://www.nasaproracing.com/images/rules-forms/form_hpde_tech.pdf here is a list of approved tech shops http://racenasa.nasamidwest.com/pages/tech_shops.asp here is a track map http://racenasa.nasamidwest.com/docs/track_maps/midohio.pdf bring cash for food and numbers or you can use tape (just can't use 171 i got dibs on that any questions just ask
  5. today i took preston for a ride down walnut creek pike and when we were done you could see where road scraped 1/2 way up the sidewall , now thats a fun road.
  6. when i was looking for a car it was between a supra or a vette, the vette won. so if i had to swap it would be a Supra.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLVQtK04lig&feature=related smart car with 1000cc street bike engine
  8. no i was walking by and saw it i did have to buy some 105 when i went to Putnam Park because it was all they had. it was $7.50 a gallon
  9. ASS of course it does, people need to learn to word stuff correctly. lol
  10. unless they re-named it for some reason thats an SU-37 and they have had it for awhile. the SU-37 is the thrust vectoring version of the SU-27.
  11. i got you all beat http://i26.tinypic.com/34xl3te.jpg saw this at mid ohio.
  12. April 5th for 800 microsoft points
  13. $700 a month with the extended warranty, before that it was 670 a month.
  14. car was 48,000 i have spent 1200-1500 in parts i got 390 rwhp 32 MPG highway 12.4 @ 117 quarter mile 0-60 in 4.1 sec able to stop 60-0 in 100 ft top speed 200+ MPH it can handle at least 1.4 G's (thats as high as i've had it) it was designed for the road course it's sexy and it has all the luxury anyone could ever want having a car you can drive to the track, slap on racing numbers, race, drive home, and take your girlfriend out to dinner in the same night - PRICELESS
  15. Rob1647545496


    i'm more impressed by the round then the gun.
  16. http://i27.tinypic.com/5bwktu.jpg Me till i ran out of road.
  17. his words to make you vote for him. i want to know why he doesn't put his hand over his heart and why he wont say the pledge
  18. if your a NASA member you can save $100 on a set of TOYO's http://www.toyo.com/nasaoffer/email/NASA-email-2.jpg http://www.toyo.com/nasaoffer/email/NASA-email-7.jpg http://www.toyo.com/nasaoffer/email/NASA-email-8.jpg
  19. no wait, shit , no i wont i will be racing at mid-ohio that weekend maybe i'll stop by after we get done that day if i have time.
  20. i don't think it has anything to do with it leaking out the advantage to using nitrogen is how it reacts to changes in temperature. meaning if you fill your tires up in hot weather then it gets cold the pressure decreases. or when your tires get hot the air inside them expands and therefor the pressure increases. nitrogen does not expand when heated like regular air does.
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