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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. different heads but not sure on specifics i think they are L92's (i'll have to look into it) and instead of the .525 lift cam out of the 01 Z06 it has the .555 lift cam out of the 02+ Zo6 it's .2 liters bigger and has DOD.
  2. o yea that night was sweet. i think about it all the time......ass....at least i wasn't in the middle of class this time.
  3. Rob1647545496


    hey Anthony, so i'm scrolling threw this post and the kid next to me says hold on i think i know him, is that anthony, i went to high school with him. lol oh the stories lol it's Tom killilea
  4. Rob1647545496


    i was in the middle of CAD 3 and the volume was way up. the professor laughed and named the song.
  5. you could get him this http://i28.tinypic.com/16jopi1.jpg http://i29.tinypic.com/2i8fx8p.jpg wait a minute now that i think of it i remember him saying he wanted one..... austin, i bet your making a real life sized one arn't you, you sneaky little bastard i knew you were up to something.
  6. i passed one in the vette on my 35 south and it is literally 1/2 the lenght of my car.
  7. at least the car is happy maybe this guy will actually drive it. just kidding sorry to see it go.
  8. i got this one and this one http://youtube.com/watch?v=xLVQtK04lig&feature=related and they both fit in the same garage spot
  9. http://i25.tinypic.com/1zybjiv.jpg
  10. i used to have a pic of where it was leaking from, i'll have to see if i can find it.
  11. April 5 – 6 Vets Memorial Columbus 1000+ tables just a little FYI
  12. why does my transmission leak oil i it doesn't do it while it's sitting, it's only after i get done driving. i thought it might be a vent tube or something on top but i couldn't find anything.
  13. not aiming this at anyone but i have argued so much with retarted techs who don't know what they are talking about i don't trust any of them, there are only 2 people i trust to work on my car, me and my GM certified SAE master mechanic cousin who works at Dave Gill. i argued for a good hour on the phone one day i even gave them the GMdealerworld article number that prooved it and all they did was get all bent how did you get that password you can't have that your not allowed blah blah blah, then had to get off work early to go down and talk to them to convince them that there is a button on the back of the vette that opens the hatch. i argued for another 30 minutes at the dealership i pointed it out and they were like well thats nothing WTF else would it be i argued untill i kept getting high enough up the chain to get someone to bring the keys to a new vette that was sitting there and by that time there was 4 people standing around i held the key in my hand looked him in they eyes and pushed the button. the hatch popped imagine that his mouth dropped and he said hold on and walked away he brought out 3 or 4 more guys in suits and said check this out. in the end they said they would have to order it and they would call me as soon as it was in did they call no of course not. and all this happened at bob mcdorman the one dealership you would expect to know something about vettes. ok im done
  14. i'll be the stig ......... some say he actually outran 2 cops in traffic in the daylight in a yellow car. no but seriously i so got dibs on stunt driver
  15. awesome i can't wait i havn't seen you in forever i'll PM you my number. and yea we had a lot of good times, to bad i lost most of our videos when andrews house burnt down.
  16. just trying to do what i can with what i've got but if you know where i can get a free copy of premiere i'm all ears
  17. Editing is boring when your by yourself or it's something your not interested in. i have fun doing it as long as i'm not by my self or being rushed. i made this vid in one night with windows movie maker because i didn't feel like doing physics homework. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/d2506f20-9a59-473e-9078-98bd0022bdaa.htm
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