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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. got the same message today, meh doesnt both me. I just keep right on going
  2. I need to find a SNES, I have been looking for one that has no yellowing I have a retro gaming center set up with my NES, Genesis and N64 all on a CRT tv.
  3. My mom was a first grade teacher for 25 years, to think that this could have happened her school is just crazy. When I read about it my heart dropped, the world is just tearing itself apart piece by piece. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the kids there, as things will never be right. Seeing your friends gunned down at a young age will forever haunt the ones that survived. No kid should have to go though that. Parents should never have to worry about their kids in school either.. God help the ones that didnt make it
  4. You know you can turn this on in the OS itself? as soon as it locks it requires a code
  5. When going to the post office now they have set times for passports or you make an appointment since they are broke and short staffed. I had to get mine super fast when I had to go to manila. I needed it in under a month got in in a week and a half. Overnighted it there and back
  6. yea that just isnt the same as the old console forgot he also has boxes and manuals for a lot of the games making them worth a lot more
  7. Please see below and IIRC they aren't free, and last time they were on the same site as the shirts and such. I'm sure they will post the link when they are avail.
  8. I got subpoena multiple times for a murder trial that kept getting a continuance, was really hard to keep taking days off.
  9. I work for a bank that hates its employees, well perhaps its just this department lol. Plus I work with a bunch of idiots that I wouldn't want to see outside of work anyways.
  10. Some of the games are worth more than 35, I see a few that go for a hundred just by glancing
  11. probably threw it on the wrong truck, it will come back lol. Mine made it a state over before they caught it
  12. Your craigslist link doesnt work, just a heads up.
  13. Thanks for all the help thorne I appreciate it.
  14. Cool, i just was reading about that as well, I got a 30mbit plan at SSL NEWS now what to download lol
  15. Just signed up, and have a VIP account, that was easy peasy. Thanks for the tips
  16. well I shall look into switching, I remember the write up you did a while back. Any good sites that have the most files? I dont have the seedbox in my name it is in various other names, and accounts that I have created. Working in a fraud dept has its perks.
  17. I dont share my seedbox shares and i download from FTPS. Oh and thorne is You're FTFY I don't use Usenet so I wouldn't know I just figured they would track it, don't gotta be a dick about it. I also download at 30mb when I get all my files, I dont see how that is any different.
  18. Usenet can be caught just as easily
  19. Got one today, thanks all that offered
  20. So the six strike rule goes into effect soon I believe, and I need a solid VPN, does anyone here use one? This will be for torrents (all legal of course ) so what should I look into
  21. That case is metal, I have a V570 and its great, core i5, 16gb ram, i have a ssd and hard drive. That has full fan control as well, so you should really stop spouting off nonsense. The newer sandy bridge and ivy bridge dont ever run hot, I game on mine, run photshop and video editing programs and never gets warm at all. Just cause you owned a cheap ass dell 6 years ago with a core2 doesn't mean they are all like that now. Oh and I dual boot OS X and windows 7.
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