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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. I never do, its the GF's car and she set up all the stuff with the other persons insurance before I could get her to take it to somewhere else. Her family has been going there for a while so that is why she chose there I guess.
  2. I figured there are others that have had just as bad service, talked to the manager today of the service dept, they are staying late to work on the car. I could have taken it in earlier but wanted to inconvenience them as much as possible. I told them I also noticed glue on the back of the clips and he stated that they had to take them out to check something and it could have broken and when they put it all back together they QA guy didnt check it again thus forgetting to make sure a simple turn signal is replaced. So I am glad to see that not one but two people fail at life. How do they get tech jobs? I also told them I will not be leaving the car and I will be there watching there every move to make sure they dont dick with anything else. He stated that I cant be in the service area and then I said well looks like your so called techs are working in the rain. Maybe it will teach them a lesson and someone with down syndrome could do better. He didnt like that comment to much but stated I can watch. I have the names of the techs that did the mess and will be doing my best to have them unemployed by the end of the week among other things
  3. Backstory: GF got hit and took her car to Jeff Wyler ,formerly Bob Mcdorman, to get a front bumper cover and headlights replaced after a guy in the snow lost control and spun out. One would think this is an easy task and for anyone over the age of 5 and the most rudimentary knowledge of cars would be able to accomplish After getting her car back the bumper is painted fine so bravo to the body shop, but the headlights are a whole different story. For starters they are aimed straight down at the ground 1 foot in front of the car. This defeats the purpose of headlights. I had asked to make sure they said they aimed them properly before she left as it was daytime and they acknowledged they did indeed aim them. Drove it at night and is miserable couldn't see anything. Pulled it into the garage to just adjust them myself and they douchenozzle broke the adjust screw on the left and didnt touch the right . There is also a screw inside the reflector housing just moving around and can be seen plain as day. The best part is they left the turn signal bulb inside the fender and didnt even plug it into the housing. Just had to rant about cut rate techs that shouldnt even be allowed to wash dishes at mcdonalds and just need to be taken out of the world. TL;DR 1. headlights aimed straight down 2. Adjuster screw broken off 3. Screw inside of headlight not even sure what its off of. 4. Turn signal bouncing around inside fender. I plan on doing everything I can to ruin them and the tech once I get their name. I will have lots of fun in the process
  4. In Manila I had something similar, if i wanted to use my phones wifi I just had to wait a bit with the laptop off and disconnected so it would de-register the connection between the laptop and the modem. Or you could do the connection bridging.
  5. I just got it through Chase for 10 bucks
  6. at least he is consistent...
  7. Too bad 99% of the kids today think otherwise.... Where did the world go wrong.
  8. Wonder what happens when its lightning during a storm or if headlights even hit it briefly.
  9. Some of the cars looked pretty mangled I saw 3 squads taking people away. Was fun to watch the line of tow trucks drive down the side to get to the wreck. Glad I didn't really have to be anywhere so it made sitting there for 2 hours almost tolerable.
  10. I was 50 yards away from this, sat in the traffic for over 2 hrs. Glad I had my 3DS with me
  11. Lol bank of america is amusing to begin with, I call them all the time to verify account info for mutual clients. I tell them I work for another bank and trying to verify info for security reasons and they just give me all the BofA info. I just shake my head. I doubt this is real though, he just seemed confused and was trying to look it up in his resources. Horrible phone skills though should never just say you are an employee and you have no idea. I would go to crazy lengths to get answers just so I wouldnt sound dumb
  12. Depending on the phone you can install an app as well, i have iblacklist for my iphone works great
  13. how much do you charge? looks great!
  14. I shall try that as well, when it comes to the honda its easy peasy but this older car is hard to diagnose. I appreciate all the help, I will try it when I get some free time
  15. I'll check everything you listed, it ran then died and I looked at it right after it died but didn't have the time to work on it. So there shouldn't be any chewed wires and its only sat for a month or two.
  16. I can check that, was also thinking it might be the TPS, I just didnt want to keep cranking on it as i figure starting up at a super high idle isnt good for an engine.
  17. yes I know this, but I didnt have any way of testing it, I just didnt want to start dumping money into places and it not be the issue. Would there be anything else I should look at or just buy a new ECU and try that?
  18. No burning on the board, no bad or leaking caps, nothing that would indicate a blown circuit board. I was driving it and stopped at the grocery store, came out and wouldnt stay running. Seemed more like a sensor but I could be wrong
  19. I have my first car a 91 olds cutlass ciera V6 3.3L and it has sat for a while as I cant seem to figure out the issue. When I start the car it right away goes into a crazy high idle and then dies. I have checked the ECU thinking it had gone out but everything looks ok. Where should I start looking, I am assuming its a sensor somewhere and its so old it doesnt have any codes that its throwing. Any help?
  20. when I get home I can post a link with step by step to do it.
  21. Wii modding is quite simple once you figure out all the lingo and stuff. I used Lego indiana jones to mod mine
  22. I am buying more games as I go, the n64 collection will be over 100. The other consoles I am just going to cheat and load all the games on a memory card and get one of the cartridges that you can put in with the memory card an run all the games far cheaper.
  23. I have found that HDTV's dont look near as good as the CRT tv's did. Figured if I was going to have all the consoles might as well go all out.
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