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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. i have 2 of these boards still working with cpu's and all lol but the only problem is I am in the Philippines till sept.
  2. yea shoot me some info on it cause i need one soon this using my iphone thing all the time is a killer for doing large amounts of work online.
  3. My laptop took a shit and I need a new one pretty quick. Doesn't need to be anything special just post or pm what you have just needs to be able to get online and do web design and watch videos. Let me know
  4. not possible, the 3gs is GSM and the iphone network is CDMA
  5. i grew up in pickerington and my parents had a huge garden(well huge for pickerington lol) like 1/2 an acre. we grew strawberries, green beans, watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce. Best food i have ever had was home cooked meals from the garden. I hated taking care of it growing up but taught me a lot. seeing this makes me wanna do it again lol
  6. i consider them zombie butterflies
  7. this is great, love dubstep....mmmmmm
  8. WOW all the way, sad here in Polaris I cant get wow and can only get time warner. I used to have them and was nothing but satisfied with wow.
  9. Almost time for the last flight for shuttle Atlantis, been watching it for the past hour, pretty exiting less then 9 mins if the weather holds out
  10. its built into the iphone as well just have to pay for it to work usually fucking droidpeople sadly it doesnt have the same ring as ipeople
  11. depressing that it is going away, thought that it would be around much much longer. Had hoped to go see the last shuttle launch too but im leaving for the Philippines soon and cant waste the money.
  12. yea I figured it would give him a year to look for something else lol before they start charging him for the monthly.
  13. http://www.dreamhost.com/limited-time-sale-going-on-now.html it isnt free but 10 bucks for a year. I use dreamhost and love them.
  14. so for work I have to make a test and just using simple javascript arrays to create the questions and such. It tells them if its right or wrong but trying to figure out a way if incorrect to tell them the correct answer as well as tell them they are wrong. Right now it shows a red X beside it and locks out the question. here is an example of the question questions[6] = "7) Why are you on CR"; choices[6] = new Array(); choices[6][0] = "I have no life"; choices[6][1] = "I wish to be cool"; choices[6][2] = "I have a fast car"; choices[6][3] = "I like cheese"; answers[6] = choices[6][1]; now as you can see the answer is I wish to be cool but if someone pics i like cheese i want it to tell them that the real answer is i wish to be cool here is the control file also if anyone wants to look at it http://www.shweet.org/filez/quiz_functions.js i really appreciate the help i know its something simple but havent done javascript in years
  15. i feel the van was tilted on its side cause how else could you get the car in there with pillows on the side.
  16. the stairs at chase in polaris are like that, ive never even thought about it lol
  17. which location is it at and who is the recruiter, feel free to pm me as I know some people in HR and a few are recruiters themselves. Normally you have to be there a year but depending on if you are good at what you do Ive seen 6 months then post out.
  18. justinwebb


    im debating on either waiting for the 4s or just buying a 4 now, I have a 3gs and was waiting to see if they would announce anything at all but now since no details are out i am thinking about just biting the bullet and using my upgrade now. I guess if it does come out later i can either just sell the 4 and get that or get another line. any ideas?
  19. by all means have at it sir, was hoping you would drop by. I lack expertise in the photoshop world as to what to edit and look for
  20. justinwebb


    anyone else who watched the keynote think Job's looks horrible?? God he was super skinny and i fear once he is gone apple will go downhill fast
  21. yep live in central park apartments right there and work at Chase so I'm always in the area haha.
  22. 16. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0053.jpg 17. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0056.jpg
  23. So took the girlfriend to the Franklin park conservatory this weekend brought along the camera to shoot some of the butterflies and such. Figured what says more manly then pics of butterflies on a car forum. Used a D40, I am amateur at best lol but I gave it a shot. Need to learn to do closeups better sometimes the camera didnt agree. 1. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0002.jpg 2. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0005.jpg 3. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0007.jpg 4. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0008.jpg 5. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0011.jpg 6. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0020.jpg 7. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0025.jpg 8. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0030.jpg 9. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0033.jpg 10. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0036.jpg 11. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0038.jpg 12. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0042.jpg 13. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0047.jpg 14. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0050.jpg 15. http://www.shweet.org/filez/DSC_0051.jpg
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