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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    Works great I have no issues and will update just fine
  2. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    yep the key is slip streamed in along with activation you dont have to do anything, works great i dual boot 7 and os x
  3. go to the eye doctor and complain light is giving you headaches and say to write you a letter stating you need it for medical reasons, take it to court and show them
  4. why did paul take a pic of himself in the bathrooms at chase haha, makes me wonder
  5. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    windows 7 x86 http://www.shweet.org/filez/bie786119.rar windows 7 64 bit http://www.shweet.org/filez/bie764119.rar
  6. i was with her that night and I was the guy that id'd the guy and got him caught then testified against him and got him put in jail. I worked with her and went to school with her, great girl still to this day blame myself for that. I just hope they find this girl cause nobody should have to go through what her family and all of us went through
  7. hope they find her this brings back memories of my friend julie popovich... hope it turns out better
  8. yea i dont think i needed one either back in the day
  9. still waiting on him to do his special jump
  10. nope not trying to lure in the kids but found this elsewhere so i figured i would share lol http://lemonheadsrock.com/?dealzon.com
  11. apple isnt banning people i have been jailbroken for a while its just to get people scared, and besides i can get the same msg to pop up if i enter my password wrong too many times in itunes.
  12. are you jailbroken or not cause if not then its hard to recommend apps lol i have quite a few like games and navigation and a few others just depends on what genre you are looking for
  13. car pc> * sorry but having a few hundred gigs of music and music videos and also the option to download any cd with tethering my iphone for internet when i cant find a open wifi connection better then all. I do have xm hooked up to it if all else fails haha but hasnt yet
  14. yea they said they would let us go early since it was shitty even can use time for it so we still get paid haha, then again i am no longer online either i am our tier 3, i assist other bankers so that could also be it too. they might have let the rest go home too i just ran out when they told us to leave lol
  15. did you get off early at all?? they let us go at 6:30 i was supposed to work till 9. Its not that bad working holiday's as i get a floating holiday and its not that busy at all. I walked by your desk today but you were busy it looked like
  16. i do i think i have to check to make sure its a pc chips m848A version 5.0
  17. get the free virus scan on trend micro and run that
  18. justinwebb

    iPhone Users

    the dev team released their own fix for it, blackra1n was good but had some problems here and there. Geohot isnt going to release one for 3.1.3 as its a worthless upgrade
  19. justinwebb

    iPhone Users

    Yea I saw it a bit ago but never updated as apple claimed it fixes the battery meter but really it was a new baseband that was supposed to prevent jailbreaking which is already hacked by the dev team. So if you want to possibly lose your unlock for nothing feature wise update lol
  20. justinwebb

    iPhone Users

    3.1.3 was just released a while ago and it's useless it was just intended to break the jailbreak
  21. my parents house in pickerington still has leech beds and well water and they arent that far out haha. I always remember growing up and hating the well pressure and lugging the salt down to the basement. We never had a problem with out septic system though as we lived on a full 2 acres with no trees near the leech beds, grass always grew really well right underneath the lines for the leech beds though.
  22. found this online for it CUTTING CAPACITIES Straight Cut at 0°x 0° 7 7/8”x 2 3/8” Miter Cut at 45°x 0° 5 1/2”x 2 3/8” Bevel Cut at 0°x 45° 7 7/8”x 1 3/8” Compound Miter Cut at 45°x 45° 5 1/2”x 1 3/8” evan no need for the hold on it i will save it for you as you were the first interested, i'm not one of those sellers who just finds the top dollar or the quickest sell lol i have bought from you so i know you are a good guy. Also, its fine to plug in i would rather you know it works and want to buy it I work 12-9 at chase in polaris on saturday so either before work or after work is fine with me. PM me with details
  23. pics sorry its still in the trunk of my car in the garage and its got saw dust on it from me using it to fix my garage door but i will clean it off before sale http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/IMG_0049.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/IMG_0048.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/IMG_0047.jpg cant find the dust bag for it must have lost it in the move i just hooked up a shop vac to it anyways.
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