First up is a almost brand new Sirius Stiletto 2 portable radio used maybe 5 times not a scratch on it. Comes with the box, manual, radio, 2 types of headphones. You can record songs on it and also use it as a mp3 player, it will also jump on the WIFI and use the sirius service. I have 2-3 months of service left on it that i will just let you use. I just got a Iphone and dont need it. New it costs 220 asking 190 have 50 bucks in the sirius subscription alone.
50 GB laptop hard drive out of my old laptop, IDE style and works great. asking 30 bucks OBO
2 sticks of 256 MB DDR PC 2700 laptop ram $10 bucks for all
call of duty world at war for the it with my graphics card and never used it comes with UNUSED cd key $30 bucks?? OBO
more as i find stuff.. pics up later on