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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. the & character https://www.oplates.com/NameLookup/PlateLookupWizard3.asp?ID=MHFRDDJNPXUKJFCNMJRYNGJVLOFUFDJWFWUOBNUBELRUGYEBAL it will confuse the hell out of everyone
  2. you would be surprised actually my grandpa used to be a doctor at mount carmel east and it would always go to his voicemail. He did have a secretary but if you try to call the doctor directly then you get the voiceamail hence the doctors phone number on the doctors excuse. This has worked countless times for many other people. I used to sell them hahaha
  3. i own gemini and a few around me haha
  4. easy photoshop a doctors excuse, i have a few that i edit lol, then change the phone number on it and get a cheap little $10 prepaid cell phone add a voicemail that says doctor so and so is away from the phone blah blah blah and put that phone number on the paper. Give it to said employer and bam problem solved. I have done this for years hasnt failed yet
  5. might be upgrading my 16gb to a 32 gb lol i have a lot of music
  6. ask and you shall receive lol i snagged the newest version for you too http://www.shweet.org/CR/Dynolicious-v2.5-BrandonG777.ipa
  7. they are working on it right now i am following their blog closely lol, they just said not to update as there is a chance it could be locked out from jailbreaking again. mine took quite a while to sync and get all installed too
  8. Don't upgrade to 3.1 or else you won't be able to jailbreak ever again FYI lol I'll post the older version of the dynolicious tonight
  9. http://www.shweet.org/CR/TomTom%20U.S.%20&%20Canada%201.0-paki.ipa here is the tom tom app its over a gb. Just save it then make sure you have app sync installed. Open up itunes then add it to the list then sync the phone. I bought dynolycious but i have the older version i can put up that is cracked.
  10. RIP and thanks for your service, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  11. yea i downloaded all the app releases for the past like 6 months haha i got bored and they were just a few torrents. I have all the popular apps just find some that you like or think you want and ill post them up for you all. Ill upload the tom tom app to my server tonight and post the link tomorrow morning before i head off to work
  12. I can post up any apps you guys need let me know. I have over 40 gigs of apps
  13. Damn man that sucks I am surprised that with as much as I download I haven't gotten caught lol but I have wow hopefully they won't care for a while
  14. been loving mine i installed a ton of SNES and NES games, its been getting me through the day haha
  15. so if a mirror flips an image which hand is her ring on i am saying its her left hand http://www.holytaco.com/get-camera-phone-loser NSFW
  16. justinwebb


    just grab a video camera next time and video tape it as its your witness, then call the cops, show cops the video and once you figure out who they are the police should take care of the rest. Heaven forbid though had they have been bitten trying to provoke the dogs then the parents and the cops would be all over the place.
  17. hard drive sold bump for everything else will do 170 for the sirius radio
  18. i once was painting car parts in my garage with auto paint and decided it was ok for the time being not to use a mask since it was inside. Bad idea i realized just how quickly fumes can get to you, almost passed out from the fumes and was blowing red paint from my nose for quite some time
  19. pics: portable sirius radio http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/DSC02633.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/DSC02638.jpg call of duty world at war, never even taken out of the sleeve http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/DSC02640.jpg ram http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/For%20sale/DSC02641.jpg not pictured 50gb hard drive shoot me some offers
  20. I just did mine and love it, and if need be I can change it back
  21. here be the tom tom nav app http://www.shweet.org/CR/TomTom_1.0_US-Canada.ipa
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