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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. build a carpc and you wont have this problem
  2. mmmmmm megan fox running in slow mo at the end ftw, i downloaded the bluray copy about a month ago and loved it
  3. hit up ohiohondas and ask away lots of knowledgeable people over there including a few who tune. Take it to slomo and have them tune it
  4. cruella deville must be inside
  5. that was a lot of water haha i would have hated to be them
  6. i used it on my xp machine and it worked quite well took about 1 min
  7. some minor fixes, what version did you get on yours? You can jailbreak 3.1.2 easily but if you dont have a mac then you will have to use the windows version which will upgrade the baseband meaning no unlocking the phone and using on a different carrier. I used that on mine as i dont care about different carriers i just jailbroke mine.
  8. update through itunes it will ask you to update to 3.1.2 ar eyou looking to jailbreak or anything or unlock in the future?
  9. hi i am the guy who has been here a long time and hardly ever posts me and the girlfriend, im tall its hard to take pics like that i always get cut off http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Courtney%20And%20I/DSC02350.jpg at the clippers game, i somehow ruin all the good pics with us lol http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Courtney%20And%20I/Untitled-1.jpg
  10. my culture was sent out for verification but the doc said he had seen quite a few cases of the h1n1 and says its like a hardcore flu. he said that pretty much 20-25 percent of ohio right now has the flu quite a few people will have the h1n1 strain. I also had to have xrays done on my lungs as he said they didnt sound like they should and to go back immediately if i have any shortness of breath or pain in my neck
  11. yea i dont know my managers number at work haha but while at the ER i did have to wear a cool mask thing lol. I just sat there and played games on my iphone and was joking around with the doctors, they said out of all the sick people i had the best sense of humor lol. I told them it could be worse i could be missing a leg or something i dont think the flu is really gonna kill me
  12. and i have been diagnosed with the swine flu, I have been horribly sick all last night and today. Sigh well at least i am off work for a while lol
  13. oh noes i am a thief lol i guess i am even bigger thief now that i am dual booting xp and os x on my PC.....oh well. I dont plan on selling my phone anytime soon it has become a part of me.
  14. as did mine haha seeing as how its unlockable and is jailbroken
  15. dev team is already working on it, they have gone this far with apple fixing each hole they find. Apple needs to hire these guys as they seem to find every weakness in the devices.
  16. just got home and wow is all i can say, Tiesto puts on the best show i have seen in a long time. Brings back memories of the old rave days.
  17. video http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/noah-robischon/editors-desk/dyson-air-multiplier-doesnt-suck-it-blows
  18. crazy lookin but i am defensively interested in it lol
  19. i know but saying trance confuses people, then they ask wtf that means if they have never heard it really. I know what genre he is i just had to dumb it down
  20. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r253/scorpio79_2007/Tiesto_CBUS_front.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r253/scorpio79_2007/Tiesto_CBUS_back.jpg
  21. i figured anyone looking for something to do tonight Tiesto will be at boma doors open at 9. I am stoked for this show havent seen him in a few years and he is one of my favorites. Just sucks its on a tuesday lol
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