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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. might as well cut off the other two i mean what can you really use those for now, its like a slap in the face if anything, but the slap in the face would have to come from a normal persons hand i think
  2. this is priceless http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090608135529AA9tO5f&cp=2
  3. all that and nobody got shot? wtf and at the end the guy was hopping around like he was playing dodge ball haha
  4. i am going to wait to do mine till they get a few app updates so everything works well then i might. I will also wait for the pwnage tool to be released
  5. so far that is what i am seeing as i have been watching everyone to see how it is going if anyone has any problems thus far. You can jailbreak you just wont be able to unlock
  6. FYI 3.1.2 jailbreak is out for windows its called blackra1n from geohot the site http://www.blackra1n.com/ the macrumors thread http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=801112 the tutorial http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-iphone-3.1.2-firmware-with-blackra1n-zni327/
  7. yea there is no need for a jailbreak just for mms just follow the above directions to get mms its just a carrier file update that is needed for it. Takes all of 3 seconds to do
  8. i told them that i just bought a router and i didnt know anything about setting up a secured wireless network, i asked what they caught me on and it was a movie downloaded from isohunt, so i will continue using my private trackers and i installed peer guardian i just wont use any public trackers. they must have got my ip and sent it to wow just from the public tracker
  9. figured i would bump this, i hop online when i get home and up pops a page from wow stating they have observed illegal activity and to call them lol, i am going to act stupid and say i have an open wifi connection and i didnt know how to set it up. Time to find a new provider lol
  10. Just wait for the dev team to release their windows tool It won't be much longer. I am just going to wait for jailbreak of 3.1.2 now haha plus my phone is set up great and I don't want to lose it all. Just installed Mywi to make it a router too haha it's great at work with the laptop and I don't have to bring the cable to tether
  11. yea i had it the day it came out and i kept my tethering too
  12. ill stick with my 3.01 JB and wait for the next jailbreak to come out with the fixes
  13. the sad part is he had to sit around and think of that
  14. i see no reason to upgrade my 3.0 to 3.1 ill wait for the next release which will fix all of the issues they were having with 3.1
  15. just got this today ill try it out later on at work with the lappy, found it on a site for free
  16. So i got the app for geocaching and its a blast so far to do in your spare time. People basically hide things places and leave clues on how to find it and give you coordinates and you look for it and usually it has paper and you just sign your name and put it back. Its like a huge game of hide and seek lol http://www.geocaching.com/
  17. i know its cpu intensive but tons of websites use it and i would like to be able to view them, so flash would be a good thing
  18. ^^^ LOL ummm no it wont be going to verizon for a while i think now jailbreak it and it will be much better too bad adobe didnt announce flash today for the iphone then it would really be a badass phone....
  19. hit me up 614-893-3444, i am interested in it bought the dslr off ya now ill buy this haha
  20. He seems like a cool guy, but he has made me cry on occasion. I rate him a C-
  21. i drank by myself on my lunch break today haha
  22. or you hop on appulous and get any paid app for free including that in the app store
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