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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. people are just dumb it makes me wonder sometimes how they have survived as long as they have.
  2. slightly better i guess thanks for the attempt at least, i feel loved.
  3. i have an ISO version of mine on my site if anyone wants it Jones really ricer? I expected better I use mine for everything including gaming and carpc stuffs EDIT laptop with it running uses 190 MB of mem to run and has 18 processes
  4. its just like my stripped version of xp just done differently but some versions that people have created through tiny xp have viruses and such in them already. Just a word to the wise.
  5. When i had my husky we had neighbors with pitbulls that were constantly getting loose and walking in our yard. Its the only time i have seen her show her teeth and growl like she was about to attack i knew she was just trying to protect me. One day they got loose while she was outside and both tried to attack her so i put an end to them coming over again
  6. i have the full cd too its just the stripped version might run better..you can still do everything on it just all the crap is taken out of it that isnt needed really
  7. i have a stripped version of xp that will run with almost no memory being used its quite nice...i can get you a copy doesnt require a key
  8. WOW Digital pack with movies and such and DVR 15mb down/2 Up 103 i think it was
  9. Had a husky a while back best dog i have ever had she was great. They are super smart mine could open her cage. I want to get another but just cant due to size of my apt. it wouldnt be fair to the dog.
  10. We're sorry. You have already taken this survey.
  11. what in the hell did i just watch
  12. haha i have the same thing got it off isohunt.com
  13. i always put mine on my lap after i go through a drive thru and forget sometimes and get out of my car with it still on my lap. I lost mine for 2 days and couldnt find it and I came to figure out it was laying in the grass the whole time outside my house untouched. I freaked out to no end and thought that the world was going to end, then found it and realized how important things really are.
  14. shit guys fire ze missiles
  15. left nut is a bit bigger than the right
  16. wow that is amazing i have been to a few small caves my friends have found and such but nothing quite like that. Would be something cool to do with my free time. Is there a good link of any good caves in the area that arent well known about?
  17. at 56 seconds did he say "your gonna love my nuts"?
  18. i was told by mine i couldnt have my oldsmobile outside cause it was rusty and not up to "standards" and was loud....i got a fine for it and my trashcan being out to long. I sent the fine back with a note that said go fuck yourselves lol but i moved shortly after so i dunno what happened
  19. wow dude not good...did it just happen all the sudden? I have had chest pains a lot recently and my heart rate shoots up from nothing at all and i feel like im gonna pass out but no insurance lol so i havent died yet so im sure you will be fine hope all is well
  20. seems like this would be a blast...wish i had a real car now
  21. great word i need to use that one more often
  22. your story lacked a plot...and pics or it didnt happen i kid i kid
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