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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Can't speak for Android's with Telco's bloatware slapped on top of it, but the gap between pure clean Android and iOS# is only going to get worse. Read some reviews (written begrudgingly by the cat-kicking-in-frustration apple fanboy metrosexual bloggers and tech hipster reviewers no less) on how bad Jellybean is bitchslapping 5 & 6.


    Features, performance, usability, stability.


    The future does not look bright for Wahple.

  2. ... the dog.. will have...severe joint damage later in life..
    fixed that for you

    It'll be dead in 3 years.



    Why do people breed like that?


    "Hey, let me breed a freak curiousity that will suffer. Because YOLO"


    Fucking dog owners + Cuntbag breeders.


    Get a damn mutt at the pound for fuck's sake. Better for everyone involved. Certainly the animal.

  3. You drove the wrong cobra, or mine was just that good. Sure, my c6z and ctsv are more comfortable, etc--but they are that much newer/more expensive--that's what I'd expect. But my '04 would rape-choke either of them in a straight line, which is quite simply, the only reason people buy these. Sounds like you need to buy a NEW car. Lol at driving 10 year old cars notorious for being run HARD and bitching because they're not 100% perfect. Let me guess, it had 7 different previous owners and 100k miles? It's probably seen a pulley, then port, then a couple different twinscrew combos, before being modded back to stock and traded in.


    FYI, I smoked an exhaust/intake c5z from a roll, when I was at 13psi with stock exhaust, and I pretty much suck at racing.


    And don't call it a fucking 'termi'.



    Ditto no problems baking fbods and C5s in my then stock 03 back in 2002 when I bought her new.


    But I'm sure driving a 90s Mustang, or racing one today 10years later means you know what happened in 02. Because we all were making the hp and have the suspension and drivetrain mods we have today back in 02..........


    CR - the kings of winter racing, selective memory and revisionist history.


    PS - I love my CTS-V


    PPS - Buy a nice clean used G8

  4. I've owned all three and the Z was by far faster then any of them. You apparently raced some not driving fucks. Not saying that it NEVER happens but the vette is light years more of race car then the Cobra.

    Impossibles! NOBODY at CR is bad at the driving! heh


    I love how we turn a Ford vs Ford thread into a LS pissing match.


    LS, the new:


  5. I am loling at all the revisionist history about Term's getting walked by C5s, etc. Considering I didn't lose to ONE the entire time I owned mine, and yeah quite a few were from CR. Ditto Fbods and a couple (RIP) Buicks. Only loss I suffered was an LS powered Miata.


    Sold it in 05 for a CTS-V. The V is a better family car, the Terminator was more fun.


    ..and GM is apparently still suffering from penis envy.

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