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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Couple points of clarification:


    1 - Iran isn't Arab, they're Persian (mostly) - there's a difference.


    2 - The PEOPLE of Iran are pretty chill and cool (many working here right in Columbus, and I've had the pleasure of learning about them from something that ISN'T the news). The 20somethings and 30somethings LOVE American culture, but they cant get any of it, so they make up really funny imitations of it.


    3 - The GOVT of Iran has been dominated by a cadre of Arab religious wackjobs (arabs are a minority in Iran) for the past few decades and these are the folks causing most of the douchbaggery


    4 - the PEOPLE of Iran are getting sick of said douchbaggery - like someone said, give em ipads and leave em alone and hte regime will be different inside 10years. Attack em and they'll get all patriotic and band-together-y. But what do I know?


    5 - the PEOPLE of Israel are pretty chill and cool as well


    6 - The GOVT of Israel has their quota of douchbags completely filled as well


    7 - The PEOPLE of Israel are doing pretty good (and throwing some sweet ass parties on the coast) to worry much about their GOVT douchbaggery so don't expect much change there




    Me, I hope they they go at it, because I'm a sadistic fuck. I hope we stay out of it, because fuck em both. And I'm pretty dang sure Israel is gonna rape whoever gets lippy over there.


    I'm just sick of the US getting dragged into everyone else's business, or sticking our noses up everyone's else's buttholes because we feel we gotta placate some special interest group. Let people handle their own shit.



    How about paving my fucking road instead?



    PS - for the record: I've been to the arab-y smelling part of the middle east (well over it, repeatedly, with ordinance) but never set foot there. But I did go to a fucking niiice party in Netenya. TITTAYS!

  2. You guys got your priorities wrong: the boney ho (Rick's wife) needs to get headshotted. Cannot STAND that bitch.


    Carl - I think Carl isn't just being a curiousity-driven get-in-trouble-help-me-Lassie plot device. I think he's migrating to psychopathic killer. I for one thought for more than a few moments he was going to shank the prisoner out of the blue.


    ALso - I used to hate the blonde. But then I saw she has somewhat big boobies, so she's ok now.

  3. couple more...










    Can't wait to see this once you've polished it up. A beauty "worn" or "like new" regardless. Grahams are one of those watches imo that wear scuffs well.

  4. At first I was like "chubby cover singing wop", whoopdee






    Then he got on the piano, and I was like "ok, still a latent homosexual video-gaming couch potato, but has some talent"






    Drum line adds in, and he's there, and I think "ok, well he's reading the sheet music, and he's on beat, so he's technical, that's not so common"






    Then the bass and rythm guitars came out, and I was all "hmm, guess dude ate some soul with all those pizzas"








    Then the lead guitar solo arrived and I was:



  5. It's an exciting time for air travel enthusiasts. Billionaire developer Paul Allen recently unveiled designs for his company's Stratosphere plane, which is designed to take passengers on commercial voyages above Earth's orbit.





  6. Watched teh first few episodes then deleted it from my DVR record schedule. The hosts had no chemistry and appeal to me.


    Are they getting better? It was just very stale before. They didn't seem to have any personality at all. Plus it seemed they were afraid of actually insulting anybody/company which is the best part of the UK show.

  7. Ron Paul won't get elected because corporations don't own him.


    I'm still voting for him. Fuck the rest of the Republican and democratic fields alike.


    His fiscal policy makes sense, his foreign policy makes sense, his domestic/social policy makes sense.


    The rest make sound bytes.

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