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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Say what you will about Windows, but MS's approach, process, and speed to virus squashing is 2nd to none. Apple has been hiding behind small market share. Still are, worldwide, where they're still a gnat on a moose's ass, but that'll change as Russians, Chinese and Ethiopians et al learn how many hipster retards with loose cash to waste on shiny shiny own Macs...
  2. $20 in.


    If I win you will be seeing "leaked" cell phone threesome pics with Christina Hendricks and Angelina Jolie inside 6 months. Bank.


    Ok - foursome, I'll throw Sasha Cohen in there for spice.


    That, and I'll be wearing baby seal skin underwear caught fresh daily.

  3. Worth a bump to post this:




    Nice to see some over there have the balls to say "fuck you govt censorship" and reach out direct citizen to citizen. Maybe if more countries' populations did this we'd have alot less WTF going on in World Politics.


    Gotta love what the internet is making possible.


    Cliff's Notes: Fuck Your Agendas, Govts.



    PS - gotta love the iranian responses.


    PPS - some Iranian (persian) women are HOT


  4. Am I the only person yelling at the TV when they are leaving the farm to grab the Corolla? Beautiful TE27 wagon just sitting there.


    Yes. Yes you are. Last vehicle in the world I would choose.


    However, I did find myself thinking, to myself; "they ran out of gas!?! WTF, did they leave that highway without ONE of them syphoning some from the, oh, BAZILLION cars around them?"

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