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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Yeah. Better to support the tea party movement. So you can help get rid of any regulation so the CEOs of megacorporations can get even MORE ultrarich while downgrading your pay and sending your jobs overseas... Better to work really hard making someone else rich. Or are you still all under the delusion that you're all going to become Mega-CEOs yourself? For each of the idiots like these dolts that they choose to interview, there's 10 more behind them who are more moderate and who really are sick of the ultra-rich raping the rest of us while the brainwashed horde blows their message for them. Here's hoping to this leading at least to a political movement. Something to balance out those moron teapartiers who don't even realize they've been completely co-opted by the billionare owners of corporations. PS - Stern is a pile of ass rash.
  2. person on the ground can still draw a gun you don't know when you're in a fight if you've fractured a skulls or otherwise caused lethal or threatening injuries. all you know is "moving" or "not moving". Maybe you can see a broken bone, but not often.
  3. Worst thing ever a dad has to handle is a seriously ill child, no matter the age. You both are definitely in our prayers! Godsend good health.
  4. So if I'm reading all your guys' response right, you want to jump out of an airplane buck naked while having a porn star stick it in your butt.
  5. 17 pages, no Steve Jobs, fail.
  6. Pure genius from a business standpoint, yes. From a product/solution, far from it. Its ironic that nearly everything Jobs criticized Adobe (Flash) for is patently true of iTunes. Bloatware, buggy, invasive, etc etc n so forth. Its a shit solution and everyone knows it. What was perfect about it? The timing: iTunes was pitched (to the recording industry) at precisely the moment they (the industry) was flailing about for a lifesaver to preserve their pyramid of production leeches' salaries. The 99cent pricepoint was astute business, I'll give you that. However, iTunes itself sucks donkey balls. The app store, now, that was an elegant sales solution to a profit threat, and as such, was indeed genius. Nice job Linnux (specifically Michael Robertson), for inventing that.
  7. Did I say it was a negative? Its a good move on the company's part. They know how to make money.
  8. Mowgli1647545497

    do want!

    wtf is the shifter for?
  9. Seeing PT Barnum for the showman he is isn't being a hater, its being astute.
  10. $100 says the iPhone5 ad campaign includes something about it being "Steve's last project". You know that biatch is readyfor market. They knew he'd kicked the bucket too close to the announcement timeframe, hence: iPhone 4S Give it 6months then magically the 5 will come out........ way to defer some earnings from the cult, Apple. Kudos.
  11. Maybe Wozniak can get his $2300 now.
  12. Just Passed 80,000 miles on the V. Does the LS6 timing need adjusted? Feels like its developing some rough/vibration spots in the rev band, but that could be my imagination that its the engine: it only seems to happen when its in gear and under load, ala highway driving. FYI - my rear diff had been serviced years back, not for the vibe/explosion issue on these cars but a leaking seal. Think the vibe might just be the Tremec? This is the first T56 I've had up to these many miles, but those trannies are never smooth. Been gnarly in every car I've had one in. ...but yeah back to the original question: do I need to start thinking timing yet?
  13. Good riddance, sleazebag. The world will briefly miss your innovation. Unfortunately there's no shortage of the kind of douchebaggery with which you lived your life and treated the people around you, so that won't be missed at all.
  14. You'll also need one of these: http://pics.drugstore.com/prodimg/26528/300.jpg
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