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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. M1A. No contest. Own one myself, in a Sage EBR chassis. Fantastic gun. Heavy as fuck though.
  2. jizzed. Want. Suuntos are no frigging joke.
  3. That just wins the thread. I'm quoting the pic for awesomeness. Watch snobbery banishment ON!
  4. So many fantastic shots here you can get lost in. It just goes on and on. http://btwl.tumblr.com/ I've taken several new desktop rotations already. sorry if repost, is new to me
  5. http://i613.photobucket.com/albums/tt216/poyohebat/yuno.gif Y U NO BUY V?
  6. FTIW Greg: Ex Navy pilot here (I've been "there" - GW1 - and have no need to defend my service to anyone), and I get you: War is not something to wish for.
  7. http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/4870/militarysucks.jpg Ease up gentlemen
  8. /\ much as I love me some Clint, I don't think so.
  9. Tech Support http://www.cr-h.net/banners/smilies/Dumb.png
  10. I would NOT want to get into a land war with China. Army? Thats no joke. Airforce? That would be bloody. A naval conflict with china? Uh, yeah, that is a completely different story. That would be a foregone conclusion REAL fast. Building ships ain't like making tanks or planes. You can't hide that. You got ONE place where you can put them out to action: the coastline. Which is right next to that wet area we call the ocean, you know, where we enjoy a 4:1 margin over the REST OF THE WORLDS NAVIES COMBINED. With not only a numerical superiority but also the longest contiguous fighting experience (measured in decades) accrued in the modern world. Not to be cocky or anything, but there's a reason for my confidence. And not just because I'm ex-Navy: its because we aren't just the ones with the most stuffs, we're also the best equipped and the most experienced. By far.
  11. I'm still stuck trying to figure out what kind of tank that is. Leopard variant?
  12. See, what's funny is, all the guys that think this is about some Jap kiddie FnF car crap are missing out on the man-ness.
  13. These guys' however, are not. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fc9_1324717682 Swedes ftw
  14. Go back and slap your teacher because she was a fucking dumbass then.
  15. How is it? Is it a typical leveling hamsterwheel grind? <--- not an MMO-er, Father of high needs kid so zero free time, but Star Wars lure is strong
  16. Good lord every time I look at a Ford GT I jizz my pants. I will own one someday, oh yes, I will own one.
  17. Money comes up out of deep underground. Some money spills around on the local area. Money travels up and away to foreign-owned oil company countries. Locals go back to being poor. The end.
  18. Fixed that for you. Totally agreed about the Muslim sensitivity being shoved down our throats and that this is America, and they need to deal with it. However, I will say the Jews are right behind them in terms of uptightness about criticism: The Anti-defamation league are a group of trigger-pulling, media-whoring, club swinging eThugs. Kinda like the right wing christian wackjobs. Good lord, now that I think about it, every religion has some uptight group that makes them a pain in the ass.
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