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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Leveling. Meh. I got married, punch bitches, and look at boobs.
  2. One true, one false/true - one depends on shopping skilz.
  3. I'm just shocked a Camaro lost in a video posted on CR. Give me a moment, I need to sit down.
  4. Meh. Here you go - big boobs in local news: Mikaela Hunt @ NBC4i. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=2359148332998 On the Up side: huge cans On the Down side: no skin and boxer chin
  5. all the ohio pedobears were shot in zanesville last month
  6. actually I kind of actually find that actually interesting. i mean to get an actual role as a zombie would be fun. actually
  7. THIS made me rage because I need for Mad Men to fail if I ever expect to see Christina Hendricks boobies.
  8. Yeah because decentralized, online-enabled protesting didn't get anything accomplished in Egypt, or Libya, or Bahrain, or Syria, or.... Yep what they need to do is narrow down their complaints to one thing and then all congregate in ONE place, THAT'LL make the movement SO much more resilient and effective...
  9. Good episode. But I swear to god if the suicidal blond turns into some steely eyed zombie slayer I am going to throw my cat at the tv.
  10. Yeah our contours have been run for years now in downpours and have been submerged in rivers/streams when yours truly has taken (multiple) unintentioned faceplants in said water.
  11. 1. Done 2. Done - Or rather, never needed. I was never a corporate shill or lemming. Penis present in pants. Instead I've started 3 of my own companies and sold 2. 3. I vote the best guy to runner-up or third-place every time. Not my fault the majority of the electorate is a bunch of inbred cross-eyed jackfucks. I'm not a puppet of the media, I don't believe everything I read and I don't only read what I believe. And I sure as fuck don't watch ANY news channels. I also don't ride a little pony. Or a high horse. I ride a manly Clydesdale. Its a big black dick-smashing warhorse with homo-erotic overtones. And you like it. ---------- In other/good news, Walmart is now permitted by the Indian govt to open stores in India. Maybe next China. Now they can smash all their local economies apart there too. Suck it, indian farmer and mom-n-pop store owner... Maybe now all we gotta do is get them to start buying GM shitty union-built cars.
  12. Anyone criticizing the protestors while holding down a "hard working job the old fashioned way", likely in a large corporation, is just stupid. Your ignorance is part of the problem and you are getting a nice slow 50yr rape in the ass and don't even know it. But please, continue to go along being the unknowing lemming army of the CEOs. Thank you protestors. (Who are doing it so I don't have to - because I'm feeding my kids... which is getting harder and harder to do every year.)
  13. Bleh. Contour 1080p FTW http://www.amazon.com/Contour-1300-ContourHD-Helmet-Camera/dp/B002QGSYZ4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322372909&sr=8-1 Proven. Capable.
  14. the real question is why didnt he stick it in the butt at 2am after the 2nd tiger left. she wanted it
  15. is that the farmers daughter? if so - already googled pics of her bewbies
  16. the violin, good. The dancing?..... yeah, she needs donkey punched.
  17. Cant see the pics. Is this a newish 93? If so, are you guys having any issues with the spring towers? My wife already broke the passenger side spring on hers (yes broke, just thru normal driving too - up near the top of the tower) and the new one is already making noise. Mechanic at MAG tried to tell us its a design flaw in the 93s and to expect it. I call BS.
  18. Thank you for the heads up about this movie - I hadn't heard a thing about it. I look forward to watching it.
  19. Bought the game. Started playing at 10pm last night after the kids in bed. Just to look around a little. Played just a few minutes then looked up at the clock and omg its 4:30AM!?!! Holy Fuck. I gotta return this game, it'll kill me. ...Damn: Steam. ...ok kids you're all going to bed at 5pm tonight. Don't argue, here's your Leapster, stfu.
  20. Sorry if this has been posted, but someone just sent me this and I laughed out loud. Silly I know, I can't explain why it cracked me up, but did did. I'm buying this game now.
  21. I about spit out my coffee that cracked me up
  22. Two questions: One: are the controls as wonky as Oblivion? Which I played the shit out of and loved but the controls were a bit like walking thru mud. and two: where's the boobies mod?
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