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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I've been to 6Gs (sustained) while training. There's nothing "exciting" about it. A constant G force is just weight. You feel heavy, syrupy, and then you tunnel and black out. If this thing exerts constant 10G thru the loops there'd be no "thrill" to it. You'd hit the corkscrew and go under.



  2. Trix and Linn -


    Thats funny because my bone stock '03 before I modded it I walked several C5s from a roll easy. My favorite was a 20-40roll. A dig and it got tough but up high I took it. So that's a tighter horsepower and weight matchup than the OP vid and what you guys are posting about. Nor did I run across a single fbod that I didn't either pull or on stay nose to nose or walk clean away from.


    People you LS guys raced must have sucked.


    I never had any problem with any fbod or vette until I got into the modded z06s, and once I started tinkering and got her to the high 400s the gaps only got wider. Hell, the first CR person I had a problem with was Kenny (rip) - rofl. In my defense: I was sucking shifting on that one, but his converter was slipping so it was a wierd race. Ok and yeah heat soaked. But any SC driver, I don't care what car it is, that runs em back to back is a moron.


    I see a little anecdotal revisionist history going on here.


    The SC Cobras were the real deal. LOL 8 years later and people STILL have a problem with it. lol

  3. Short story:

    Man decides to do Vladimir Putin a favor. Grabs 1000 women's breasts then shakes the man's hand. Transitive property = Putin win



    This is just the kind of patriotic service-minded entreprenuerial spirit we need here in amuhrika.


    Plus, boobs.

  4. plus whenever they win a race there isn't 48,285 guys posting vids of it.


    That only happens when they lose.


    Don't believe everything you see on the intrarwebz, or even try to remotely use net trends to correlate to whats happening in the real world.


    People REALLY hate losing to Cobras. Like more than getting raped by a large hairy hungarian grandpa. The latter they'd admit on Jerry Springer. The former gets locked away into the memory closet, never to be spoken of again.

  5. iTunes is on the slow boat out unless it changes alot of its infrastructure. Among those who know iTunes is as bloated as Jobs accused Adobe's Flash and Readers of ever being.


    The music industry has no loyalty. If they can double sell to another platform, they have and will.




    Anyways, random thought: I wonder if the Snuggie they'll have draped over him as they wheel him into "board meetings" in his Stephen Hawking Life Support and Mobility Device - otherwise known to you and me as a wheel chair - will be black and have a turtleneck...


    *off to photochop*

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