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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. just picked this baby up. thx mainly to this thread. adios Droid 1.


    had to wait for my upgrade date and in the end jumpstarted it by 4 days - thx to BestBuy for pushing it forward for me.


    So before I commence rooting and rocking roms, whats this I recently read about some of the GB radio builds floating around out there bricking the phone? Something about some GB (possibly beta) builds when mixed with certain BAMF builds kills it?

  2. when I was in school it was taught to us as a planet. then they changed it and said it was a moon, now an asteroid?
    Any teacher telling you it ever was a moon needs slapped and fired.


    Of course, school teacher and science... or hell even just school teachers and math are like oil and water.

  3. Android is gaining market share faster than Apple. Apple isn't taking Android market share in any serious manner, nor is Android stealing it from Apple. They're both stealing it from the feature phone and Blackberry segments.


    Clearly both have products people want. Both have return customers.


    Android is gaining more of both faster.

  4. My Entire dislike for android devices is summed up at the end this post.

    The point being, unlike other devices, you can easily and legally* remove what you don't like and put on what you do. Customizing it exactly to YOUR tastes. That is the WHY of Android.


    There's WHY's everywhere. People just don't often understand the WHY of the guy on the other side of the fence.



    * maybe not illegal but corporate lawyer jizzering


    Apple makes good products. But so do other makers. Apple's products are good stuff. Apple's *corporate legal strategy* is stupid.


    PS: TED for the win. When I get rich I'll be constantly attending these. My favorite TED talk remains Mike Rowe and the sheep balls.

  5. *Goes shopping for an HTC Thunderbolt*


    Apple can suck it.


    They have so many patent suits and countersuits flying back and forth with other companies its a circus you shouldn't bother paying any attn to. This will get appealed.


    Apple's so fucking retarded they sued THEIR OWN CPU CHIP SUPPLIER. Their own *single source* chip supplier. To the iPad and several iPhone models. Yep. Samsung. For patent violations. On a chip that, oh oops, wait, Samsung co-developed. Pulled out their lawsuit dong for some lawyer fapping, and then oops, whats that? Wait what? oh wait, yeah, we better start looking for another chip supplier right about now. What do you mean nobody else has a chance of producing these chips without paying Samsung for the rights, nor could they produce them in the QA batch volumes we'd need to maintain production? Oh. Who's that on line one? Samsung? How long do they want me to suck their dick? Ok, tell my secretary to get the Chapstick. The big tub.


    Apple's also tried to sue companies claiming they invented the black rectangle. The black rectangle. All phones shaped like a black rectangle are infringing on Apple's intellectual property, because, you know, just forget that Xerox shit from the 60s/70s, apple invents everything they've ever made into a product. Just like the black rectangle. I mean, its not like, oh, oh wait, wait whats that? What....


    Oh shit nevermind.


    Apple. American corporate lawsuit jizzing champion since Harley Davidson retired the crown.

  6. Anyone else in here have a high needs child?


    Its such a rollercoaster. You have some "wins" and can go for what seems like a good while thinking you're making progress, and then a big setback hits and it completely trashes your world. Gutkick x10.


    Sometimes it makes it feel like any progress is illusion. That all you're doing is trading one set of problems for the next bigger set.


    Sorry, just looking for a "been there, done that" voice.


    It drains you.

  7. In my opinion the car looks very good, but based on the figures just seems to be a much much better looking MX-5.


    Nope. RWD alone makes it x10 any FWD "sporty" coupes.


    Correct Platform is Correct.



    PS - @ others - wtf is with the Scion prejudice?

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