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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. What is admirable, albeit foolish, is the extent she goes to trying to protect it. She is a tiny girl, throwing swings at an angry mob of drunken, worthless, morons.
    I cant help but come away with the impression that's she's also "that type" of girl: you know, the ones who slap men whenever they get offended because they know they can get away with it.


    Reading alot into the vid I will admit, regardless I'm still having a hard time giving a fuck for her plight.

  2. I own neither a PS3 or an XBox 360 - so I have zero skin in this game either way.


    But I *have* been watching the development of these two series for years now and have been paying especially close attn to the latest iteration of both.


    And from my outsider's perspective, it really looks like 360 is pulling hard away from PS3. I don't just mean the Forza and GT series, I mean the peripherals (kinnect) and their impact on these titles and so therefore others.


    PS3 imo has alot of playing catch up to do.


    If I were to buy a console tomorrow, it'd have to be the 360.

  3. I worked there for years and can say that driving in NYC on a regular basis has sharpened my awareness and ability greatly. I equate doing it on a regular basis for 3 years > than all my years of driving together.
    I drove for a year in NYC, then two in San Fran (=NYC) then 3 in LA (NYCx4) back to back. I wouldn't say I was a better driver for it, just a bigger asshole. Luckily 10yrs back in the midwest has cured maybe 50% of that...





    ....Thank god I took a pass on Boston. Boston is worse than any other country in the US combined.

  4. I tried to not LOL, but i did :gabe:


    On the plus side, if that amoral greedbucket asshat dies or retires I think apple may actually lose the Jesus figre the techno-Emo fanboys fap to. He is keeping the company the same as its always been because he refuses to work with the market and GTFO out of the computing industry where he cant win to save his life/pancreas/shareholds/gerbils while still trying to be a non-douche, no wait, he doesn't even try to do that. On the plus side for apple, Windows 8 looks like it will kick the shit out of iOHSHIT6.whatever, from what I have been told to think by my Emo overlord, especially since apple is now truly and openly stealing and copying ideas from MS/Google/RIM/GM/Soviet Russia/Satan.

    Fixed that for you.


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled real IT for real men.

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