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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. So I finally got sick of FRoyo on my Motorola Droid one and loaded up Cyanogen.


    I made sure to do SPRecovery backups of everything before I did. and did Titanium and Astro backups as well just to be safe. I also recovered back to my stock rom just to make sure I could go back. So I'm good there.


    My question is now that I have the "blank" cyanogen rom on here, is there an easy way to use titanium or Rom Manager or heck even Astro to install my apps, settings, email accts, txt msgs, etc. without having to do it all one at a time?


    Either way I suppose I could just slog thru it


    thx in advance -

  2. Average time from start to finish (finish being the ability to fly combat operations) is 9 months. (This is during war-time)

    Anyone telling you that you will be flying operationally in 9months is lieing.


    I flew in the Navy. Fixed wing EA-6Bs but I did some stick time in H57s and knew the pilot track those guys took. If the Army timeline is anything like the Navy you're looking at 18months door to door (can't speak to wartime shortcuts though). Thats without any school delays. For us, it was more like 2 years because you tended to have to wait a few weeks/months here and there to pick up the next class in your series. THEN your contract started ticking. So for the Navy guys you were looking at a 6-8year commitment total.


    As for jobs coming out, there are helo pilot jobs in every city of the nation. CIA, FBI, coast guard, metropolitan police, and so on. The jobs are there. My neighbor flew Cobras for the Coast Guard on anti-drug duty. Shot up more than his share of cocaine cigar boats coming from S. America in that job.... However these jobs tend to go for the guys with a decent amount of flight time, so don't expect to land one with a single 4 year contract under your belt. It might take two cycles to get yourself more attractive to the civilian and LE market.


    Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps. good luck on whatever you decide.

  3. I'm so glad they didn't edit out the first minute so I could stare at it sitting there.



    This is a longstanding trend in youtube vid uploads. Apparently the thing to do is to upload an asston of boring standing around looking at nothing footage before the thing you want to show people happens in your clip.





    PS Tractor pulls are cool

  4. No wonder americans don't look good against a lot of countries test scores. We aren't even studying the same techniques.
    We led the world for decades in all scientific, engineering, and mathematical areas using these same systems.


    Its not the systems' fault. Its our post 1970s culture that has devalued science, math, and academic study. Couple that with K-12 math and science teachers that are barely above imbecile in their areas of "expertise" and you have the current recipe for educational backsliding on a grand scale.


    I am constantly amazed at what 20somethings and 30somethings *don't* know in America. Flabberghasted that they actually graduated.


    As for the OT - we used hand-me-down systems of measure because the concepts they help illuminate that have to be built generationally are more important than the scale used to measure them in. It all still works.


    After all, the Space Shuttles' flew wonderfully, and their major design spec was the width of two horses asses. Literally.

  5. GM t56s are easy. we are saying the ford t56 is hard to shift.... I think people at getting confused.


    They both suck. Although the T56 in my V is easier to shift than the T56 in my Cobra was.

    Had another chance to drive my friend's 00 Z28 M6 over the weekend: it was a sloppy jagged mess too. V's the best of the three that I've tried and it still leaves ALOT to be desired compared to truly slick shifters out there.

  6. Are you guys sinking two pumps down the same pit?


    not sure I have room for two full on pumps in my pit. Its only like 12 inches across and the pump i put in there (3-4yrs ago) when my old one died was a monster. complete pita - my pit in under some cabinetry, have to be a contorsionist to get myself down in there.


    hopefully nobodies gonna tell me to sink another sump pit...


    If you're serially putting them in the same pit what are you doing with the backup? mounting it higher than the primary?

  7. I thought my T56 shifted really well, until I drove my friend's S2000. God what a difference


    Exactly. I never said I couldnt shift the T56 either. I said it was a crap shifter. PLENTY of smoother shifting trannies out there.


    Like this one:



    See how smooth that shifted?


    Plus since I sold my Cobra I'm gonna say my 03 was faster than any LS powered car on CR EVAAAAAAR

    (...except my LS6 powered V)

  8. I had a V too, I am assuming you are still on the stock shifter and bushings? Throw in some UUC bushings and a Katech SS in that car and tell me how it shifts. It isn't BS it is common knowledge.

    Hmm, I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!


    My point still stands: GM wasnt any better at making the T56 easier to shift stock than Ford was.

    Meh. I've beaten f-bodies and been beaten by f-bodies. I have a winning record and that will never change since the car is gone.
    Ditto. Sold the Cobra batting over .750

    wow so you mean to tell me a factory boosted v8 beat a n/a v8.. I sure as shit hope so esp when they cost much more... you can buy a ls1 car for under 4k now... Can you show me a running 03-04 cobra for that much???


    you get what you pay for. its all apples and oranges...

    Apples and apples. I ain't talking about the used car market. When I bought my 03 Cobra NEW in April '02 you could buy a NEW SS and they cost the same (roughly).


    The best part was I didnt even have my car home yet from Graham Ford when on the drive back an SS comes up on me and revs... 65miles on the odo and babying it and I still walked him up 315. On ym way home from the dealership. Billy Bob was pissed. Cracked me up.


    Like I said, they didnt like it then and they still aint over it 7 years later.

    The difference now is the Cobra's are still worth something and I think you've shown what the LS1's are worth. Like you said, you get what you pay for...

    This. Exactly.


    But for me... Who gives a crap what a used car nets me? If I wanted to buy used I still sure as shit wouldnt buy an fbod or a Cobra. It'd be a z06 or a Ford GT or some euro supercar or something.


    My nuts aren't growing bigger because the Cobra was faster. It just was.


    My nuts are growing bigger because of my daily use of my Austin Powers Penis Enlargement Pump, with the Sack Expander attachment.

  9. I call BS. GM is no better at making the T56 shift good: my V which has the same T56 also shifts like shit.


    The T56 is a shit tranny, period. Bulletproof yes, but shit to drive, and anyone saying its a slick shifter, installed in any car with any shifter hooked to it, is delusional.


    PS: I'm still laughing because the 03 Cobras were faster than fbods and here 7 years later they're still pissed about it.

  10. I understand about young kids and having zero experiance racing but what about F-bodies? You can get one for half the cost of a 03-04 cobra and I still never see videos like this or 500rwhp car running 12s.


    ROFLMAO - I seen more F-bods that weren't driven for shit than I can wave a stick at. Its just been going on for so long now nobody gives a shit anymore and doesnt bother to point their camera at.


    +1 on the T56 being a pain in the ass. Had it now in two different cars and I vow not to buy another car with one in it.


    It may be why most track F-bods are autos.

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