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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. :rolleyes: Many artists, not only rappers, 'put on a show'. That's their job. They're entertainers. ....
    All true. But I'll posit there's a subtle distinction between performance and posing.


    Liberace? Performance. Elton John, Iggy Pop, any number of gay boyband members who fake being teenage girl heartthrobs? Performance.


    Milli Vanili? Posers.


    I'm still willing to lay money that rap has by far the biggest % of poseurs of any music segment. I'd bet number 2 isn't even close. By that I mean where the performances are manufactured in addition to the "aura" of the performer.


    Ironically, although I cant stand country, I'm pretty sure C&W has the lowest.


    (Love rap. Can't stand posers, thats all)


    Anyone want to get on a bus with me and go ride over to the inventor of AutoTune and give him a huge Melvin?

  2. It's not a Hylux.


    Edit: this vid needs edited. Bad. I have 0 cares about the guy putting on his wetsuit.




    I've learned that all videos posted to UTube can be skipped forward 1 minute automatically.


    ESPECIALLY anything doing with cars. Car races. Car wrecks. Car blowups. Car pimping. Car anything. The first minute is always a waste of time - people thinking you need to see shit thats boring as fuck.


    Dont believe me? Go check out the car wreck thread here. ANY video in that bitch can be skipped forward to damn near the last ten seconds.

  3. My Prowler was more fun. :)


    Jasson - we used "the baby bottle"


    The more important question is: what do you do if you have to take a shit? You bribe the living daylights out of your crewchief.


    Our answer: never eat the little chocolate bars in the ready room.

  4. I have promised myself to help any local family that these assholes target in any way I monetarily or physically am able to.

    This +1. I've already vowed to myself if I learn of a funeral these asshats are coming to in Ohio I've got a ski mask and a can of whoopass on tap.

    I heard that the church didnt attend because a bunch of biker gangs threatened to surround them if they did protest lol, glad someone stepped up

    Is this true? If so that is awesome.

    I read that because the family of the 9 YO is Catholic, that is why they are allegedly going to picket. I don't think they have the balls. ...
    Bunch of retards. Kinda hope they did. ..cuz us Catholics know nothing about getting into brawls... :rollseyes
  5. One piece of advice my doctor told me is to take those Kroger machine readings with a grain of salt, pardon the pun, if you have large arms.


    The arm bands on those are calibrated to an average arm circumference. If you're larger they will give you a false high reading. In fact, when I go into my doctor they have to use the "large" bp cuff for the same reason. They can see a 20 point difference just between the two cuffs with a practiced nurse doing the reading. Just fyi.


    You can try buying and using wrist bp machines. They're not as accurate but what you're looking for is trends. with a wrist cuff you'll have less chance of a mis read on the machine due to muscle mass. Again this only applies for larger arms.

  6. On XP it'll top out at 3Gig regardless because of addressing limit in the OS. For practical purposes (the sizes of mem dimms you'll buy, pairing, etc) 2G is what you should aim for.


    You'll see a MARKED increase in performance coming from 500M

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