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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. If you don't fly military and have thousands of hours logged, or if you're not in your twenties and starting out, willing to do a decade of shit flying to log hours, you can forget a career in commercial aviation.


    The guys at Net Jets (I know a few) are almost all ex-military with ALOT of hours logged. The commercial carriers won't even look at you until you're like 10years into it. The economy has grounded alot of pilots so the competition is rough.


    Hell I walked out of the Navy with my license and 2000+ hours logged and I didn't even bother looking at the commercial field.


    Too much climbing the ladder to make anything worth talking about. You'll be 50 before you see what I consider real money.


    LOTS of other fields to make better money in.

  2. Yes the Transformers in the 1980s were ghey. Catering to the closet doll playing emos in our neighborhood. The kids we beat up and took lunch money from.


    Transformers? Transform. Change. Act like one thing but be another. Play for the other team. Wear womens underwear. It was all subtle innuendo about playing catcher. Transformers? More like Transgender.


    GI Joe - now there was a cartoon for MEN. Chicks in spandex and homoerotic military comraderie. What more could you ask for?


    Or even better, dial it back 10 years to when I was a kid: Johnny Quest.


    Giant adventure Jet. Rayguns. Frogmen. A scientist, his brawny assistant, and two young boys. And a pug. Back in the days when the hajis were still sidekicks and carried our luggage, not hijacking our airplanes.


    Them and gladiator movies.




    But Transformers were ghey.

  3. My constructive suggestions:


    1. Extra P90 til the power come on = warm.

    2. Continue posting about it on CR. The trolls will keep your BP boiling = warm.

    3. Old school, magazine style Porn.

    4. Chainsaw

  4. Meh, more gobblygook getting in the way of me playing my tunes. No need:


    I can read titles to choose the song.


    Don't need a label to look at during the song either, as I'm usually daydreaming about how I'm buttfucking pre-hollywood-skinny Jennifer Connelly in a vat of jello.

  5. but I not only confronted him as I approached my car and he made moves towards me. I was armed too, he found out and while it was illegal to carry at the time, I didn't care. I left him sitting in the parking lot as I rolled off. Was close though.

    My hat's off to you sir

  6. She should've kept the tits

    Advice for every woman on the planet.


    lol I really hadn't noticed that she's really not all that attractive until viewing the "after" photos. Should I be disappointed in myself?

    Its not an optical illusion. She is actually uglier. In fact all women get uglier the smaller their tits become. Its a scientific fact, due to the androginoidhymiedmymojo gene.


    Tits are like carbon sinks for ugly. They store the spare ugly in a woman's body away from the surface and light of day. Its also a commutative property, due to hormones and other juices. But, when you cut the tits, the ugly seeps out.


    ...they become better looking to gay men though...



    On another note - the next time you see a chick in a DD or DDD, shake her hand and thank her for making 3 women prettier.

  7. I own an LS6, btw. The LS series isnt god's gift to mechanisms. Its a motor.


    6.2 owners I've heard bitching: my uncle, my cousin, one coworker and some fat(ish) chick that I know who doesnt know a thing about trucks except that hers blew up.


    As for that test: That test has to be exactly what they state it is. Its sort of a legal thing. If it weren't exactly true, GM woulda been busting their nut all over calling it out. Dodge too. Marketing works that way. Ask BMW and Audi.


    You don't have to believe it. You don't have to like it. Changes nothing. Its sort of like seven years ago when the 03 Cobra came out and was smashing LS1 faces all over the road: the cambird crew didn't believe it before it came out and didn't like it after it did. Didn't change anything. Although give that another 3 years and they'll begin rewriting history. The first shot is saying how they're hard to drive...


    Maybe if you work that option/gear/whatever angle you got there for another seven years someone will believe the ecoboost lost that tow race.

  8. This isn't a pre McClure-Volkmer, its new. Well mostly new.


    As a GSA trainer I can, thru the company, operate and maintain in working order these weapons - can even have them on my premises ("working on them") - don't have to be a dealer. The LE letter wouldnt be a problem since we train several, but again, the class licensing cost $ I don't want to spend, as I've no intent to personally become a dealer, importer, or manufacturer. Regardless I already have my type 10 - we all do because of a technicality for when/if we reload any rounds for any of our training equipment, which occasionally happens, and/or when the LE agencies who train with us pay us for ordinance - which happens more often.


    Still, more money I don't want to spend, and this time out of my pocket. More type licensing is something I wanted to avoid. Ah well.


    This would have basically been a gift from a client, but I'll pass if its going to cost me too much. Looks like it'll be on the books as the company's. Bleh. At least I'll still get to play with it.


    Thanks for the quick help guys

  9. Nothing beyond the whole class being catelogged "no sporting purpose" and therefore a "Destructive device".


    I do some work for a tactical training company and can register it thru them, in fact we have several USAS-12s already (this would be a WM-12 reworked to restore full auto, essentially the same thing) but I'd rather register it to myself than thru HRT.


    HOWEVER - I don't want to pay out the ass for licensing just to own it. I've paid more in licensing than I have for some of my mgs.

  10. If that was the case don't you think Ford would have used it in that test?

    No - since it was essentially a torture test of the ford base option motor. And the drag was a one piece % of the whole thing.


    If GM needs to bring their optional top line and top $ engine in to win against a whipped and beaten v6 that says alot right there. From what I've seen and heard from owners of them, torture wise the 6.2 wouldn't last nearly as long. So results woulda been the same: the 6.2 woulda broek down before it got to that stage :D


    There's a reason the F-150 has been the top selling truck for so many decades now (33 years and counting). And it aint cuz the millions upon millions of people buying them are stupid.


    Best is best.

  11. Not saying anything against Rangers, I know quite a few as close personal friends and am a co-partner in a tactical training company with a couple others, but I've found that while they excel in the military, quite a few seem to have a hard time with their careers/lives once they get out. Dunno what it is, just seems to be something.


    Stay flight, it'll serve you well in civilian life - even if you don't go into civil aviation.


    I flew in the Navy and don't fly now but the experience has still helped me immensely in my career.

  12. done with the apps. combo of it doing it and me being impatient and restoring them with my titanium backups. Have astro also but didnt need it.


    btw- the exchange email problem apparently was due to exchange 2010 SP1. We just put SP1 on recently when I lost access.


    More info here:



    The fix is in post 34:

    In an upgrade from 2003 to 2010, I moved my mailbox to 2010 at which time ActiveSync quit working. This solution below worked:

    1) Remove the Android mobile devces affected from each users mailboxes.

    2) Remove the Default (and any other ActiveSync) policy using EMC -- Remove-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -id <Default>

    Note: this will set all user to no activesync policy (this is what we want temporarily)....

    3) Setup the Andriod phones to sync and let them get past the initial syncronization.

    4) Recreated the ActiveSync Policy and set it back to default - (this will reapply the policy to all mailboxes).


    And from: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=11177#c64


    A couple more pieces to this tho ...

    1) Ensure the account that is trying to sync the device has a check in 'Include inheritable permisions from this objects parent' found under the AD user account/Advanced button. If this box is not checked ... a device cannot establish a relationship w/ the user account.

    Also, if this account is, or ever has been, an admin level account in AD, the adminCount flag (found under the properties of the AD user account using ADSI Edit) must be cleared. If this is set to 1, AD will sync up and end up 'reclearing' the 'Inculde inherit ...' checkbox mentioned before.

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