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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I'm trying to remove our shower water knob and hte screw is, of course, stripped and deteriorated from water (calcium erosion, rust, etc). So I've tried now 2 different stripped-screw removers and its still taunting me. I can't really drill it out because of the way the glass knob is around the bolt and the angle of the unit. Been seeing these Craftsman Stripped Screw, Bolt, and Nut removers that Bob Villa's been pimping on TV and was thinking of giving them a try next. Anyone had any luck with them? If not - any ideas on getting this frigging screw out? EDIT: WHOOPS, WRONG FORUM SECTION
  2. I'm trying to remove our shower water knob and hte screw is, of course, stripped and deteriorated from water (calcium erosion, rust, etc). So I've tried now 2 different stripped-screw removers and its still taunting me. I can't really drill it out because of the way the glass knob is around the bolt and the angle of the unit. Been seeing these Craftsman Stripped Screw, Bolt, and Nut removers that Bob Villa's been pimping on TV and was thinking of giving them a try next. Anyone had any luck with them? If not - any ideas on getting this frigging screw out? EDIT: WHOOPS, WRONG FORUM SECTION
  3. Anyone know if those Craftsman stripped bolt and screw removers that Bob Villa is pimping on TV actually work?
  4. Far Cry just sucked IMO. Everyone else was messing their pants over it, and I was wondering what the damn deal was. Boring.
  5. Have ya played Doom3? Play Doom3 and then come back and play Halflife2. You'll be ready to have Valve's children. Doom3 = Letdown^3 But I agree, I can see where Halflife2 = Letdown^2. I enjoyed it though. And talk about messed up faces - everyone in Doom3 had this seam running down the middle of their face - it creeps you out.
  6. Ok any badassness of the collar is lost on the heart-shaped tags. smile.gif Awesome ears on the pinscher
  7. Yeah - you might be in trouble, because even if the water had room to expand, there's no guaranteeing the water will expand in *that* direction. Ergo, a glass of water with no top on it, if it freezes in a certain manner can crack the glass, even though the water *could* have expanded out the top. Add a turn or a twist or other direction change, like in a block passage, and well.... Its all in how the crystals grow. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  8. +1 She looked good in Starship Troopers and went downhill FAST.
  9. Ok - you all missed. Gordan HAS BEEN working for the G-man. As in prior to HL2. He's dropped in from out-of-time, suspended-animation, sleep, what-have-you, and inserted into the space-time continuum at the beginning of HL2 (you heard the other train passenger's comment "where'd you come from? I didn't see you get on") to do this job. Exactly the job he does - wipe out the combine. I personally thought the ending was kick ass for one reason: they had the balls to wipe out your love interest. When you destroy the REACTOR at the end it sets off, well, what you're looking at is the expanding genesis of the deathball that is a nuclear explosion. Slowed waaaay down. At the split instant of the fusion reaction's explosive blossoming beginning, the G-Man again manipulates space/time to come and pluck you out of harm's way - for future use of course. After all you finished your job there, and you're so handy to have around. That Valve scripted it in such a way that he takes you and leaves Alex, her dad, the lady scientist, and all the other thousands (millions?) of poor people down below in the city to thier soon-to-be-vaporized fate was ballsy IMO. (Loved the "flicks dust off her lapel" move of his. Its a sortof "You're going to burn, but try not to die a mess, missy" gesture. Great stuff.)
  10. Course it'd be hard to buy one right now with the rumors of the LS2 going in it for 06 and giving it the ol 500hp smile.gif Its whats holding me from buying one til I know.
  11. Mowgli1647545497

    Tire throw

    527.573. "Foul" is only a state of mind.
  12. Florida flight schools - the choice of terrorists everywhere.
  13. Just to be clear here, CJ means the original Boss versions of them, he didn't design the 64. Although he did do the Z28 Camaro and 63 Stingray.
  14. The 2005 Yamaha MT-01 Has my 1700 motor in it. That'll hand out some ass-whuppins. Click here for a more sexzee pic (warning, huge pic). http://www.bikez.com/bike/22038/index.jpg
  15. Sad thing is my parents owned this exact same model car. Identical to this option for option. They sold it, arrrrg.
  16. 315south used to have a curve like that back in the 80s
  17. +1 ROFL Southern Cali = skank to inhale Norhern Cali = sweet atmosphere of the gods
  18. I'd like it more if it was two 6800s and not 6600s
  19. +1 on what Shrek said re: Real Boss Mustangs - btw the Bosses dominated the series until Ford left the series. Even so, private teams were winning with original Bosses thru the 1980s in various venues.
  20. Yeah, I couldn't take driving all the way downtown in that %$&^*@# so I made my escape at Morse. That was me driving down the shoulder. http://www.austinpowers.com/objects/images/evilpinky.jpg
  21. You've been disqualified for telling us. Now you have to kill us.
  22. So THATS why 270 was slowing down this morning. But worry not - that was just a prelude for those of us turning southbound on I71, which was ESPECIALLY ASSTASTIC this morning. I only HOPE something large and expensive was on fire to have caused that.
  23. Those of us born early enough to have learned how to drive in Ohio before the onslaught of the FWD plague have no problems. Not saying Zeit's wife is old... I'm going with Big Pappa's order: 1 - CTS-V 2 - IS300 3 - the infinity 4 - that other car
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