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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Originally posted by MRMEANR:

    ... That big piece of polished diamond plate is going to be cut like this...

    Please say you're not putting DIAMOND PLATE in your dash. Unless its a truck, then thats cool.
  2. Here's where I went:



    Once there download the



    You can probably take it from there.


    One note about the Eclipse project - they are making new builds continually. The builds, or "drops", with an R in the front are the stable, "end user release" releases. You want those - the other ones are more raw, though newer, haven't been thru full testing.

  3. I love using CR for this stuff. So far I've ended up with some good resumes....


    Anyhow, I've got another position opening up in the post-Christmas timeframe.


    Visual Studio .net C# developer. Lower level position but not entry level, must have a couple years under your belt in development, though not all need have been in C# (along the lines of Java, forte, C++ experience prior to it). Contract position, very good rate, STRONG opportunity for coming on salary in March.


    And again no I'm not a recruiter - this is my own project thats ramping up, you'll be working for me directly on site like the other two positions.


    [ 18. November 2004, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

  4. Originally posted by gergwheel:

    wow those screenshots are AMAZING! I'm gonna have to go buy this tomorrow, can you play without the cd?

    Haven't tried. I don't think it hits the CD when you play. But good luck trying to use the same CD to install it on more than one computer - Steam seems to have it locked down.


    You can play "offline mode" not connected to the internet once you've set up a steam account (which I've done though it took hours), then entered your CD key into valve's db over the internet(which I haven't done yet, their servers are getting pounded). There doesn't seem to be local encryption - they're probably tracking keys on their own server. Nice model for foiling pirates, even if it sucks ass for convenience. Regardless someone will crack it eventually.


    I'm not sure if in offline mode you need the physical cd.

  5. Already tried most of the online wheel vendors. Tirerack included.


    The stock Cobra wheels are already 9.5 wide.


    Can't get wider than 10 inches without going up to a 18 or 19. 18 inches is pushing it for me, and I don't really want to go with that size wheel for ride and performance reasons. 19inches is out of the question.


    I'm wanting an 11inch width so I can properly mount a 335. Preferably on a 17inch wheel. But I also need to *like* the wheel. I'm partial to wheels that have a decent polished lip on them, 1 inch or more.

  6. Originally posted by Ricochet:

    I have an nvidia GeForce4 MX 420... how does that stack up?

    The GeForce4 MX cards were essentially relabeled GeForce2 cards.


    On that second chart it would be near the bottom of the chart.


    EDIT: Did some research - when this card came out in spring 2002 it was considered the slowest of the GeForce4 line of cards. It was on par with the vid cards from a year previous, 2001. But it had a very low pricepoint in its favor. But even when it came out it was not a good card. The review of the next gen card that came out, the FX series - more than quandrupled the performance over that card and they're down on that list in the 2-18 range. The GeForce3 card tripled its performance and its not even ON that chart.


    I'd place the MX on THAT chart around a 0.5-1.


    [ 16. November 2004, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

  7. Plus both of those charts are with AntiAliasing off. One has Anistropic filtering off too.


    When you turn ON anti-aliasing, the ATI card just starts pulling away from the nVidia one more and more.


    I forgot to ask - how's the game so far? HL1 was the only game ever where my wife sat with me while I played - so I'm hoping the sequel is just as engrossing.

  8. Doom3 is tailored for the nvidia rendering pipeline. John Carmack has said so publicly. Its not surprising to see the nvidia card edging out the ATI on that game.


    That being said, the rumor grist mill is saying the HL2 engine is partial to the ATI cards.


    Its an either/or thing. IMO because of the better form factor (one card slot not two), the better heat management, and the realistic power requirements (300watts vs 480watts and much less picky on power supply brands), pus monthly driver updates like clockwork, the ATI card is the way to go.


    That plus Doom 3 disappointed me, and my money is on HL2 tending to spawn more games that'll use its engine.

  9. I don't trust spacers because I've read a fair amount of horror stories about them failing. Also, I had a friend who couldn't get rid of a high speed vibration using several sets of spacers from different makers no matter what he did to the wheels/alignment - he eventually removed them and cured the vibe. I also in 96 out in Sac,CA had the pleasure of watching a friend's front driver side wheel leave him at a Leguna track day, later blamed on the spacer. I beleive you when you say alot of people have success with them, I'm just not going to be one of them.


    You may be right about the weld though, alot of negative feedback there I'm finding around the net. Back I go to custom wheels... ugh $$$.


    As for the button head bolt replacement of the IRS bolt - I have a friend/mechanic who I trust telling me that with as much as I swing the ass around on this car I want to in fact swap the stock bolt out and use one he's trying to get me to put in thats even bigger than the curent stock unit - sort of going the other way, that. But mainly I just don't want to bother with that IRS bolt at all: I'd love to be able to just bolt on a set of wheels and go.

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