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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Agreed RX - I cannot warm up to spacers. I was originally going to go with a set of custom made CCWs, but they've "ungrown" on me.


    Finding "off the rack" wheels for the 03-04 Cobra that don't require a buttonhead bolt or shaving the head of the IRS bolt, and still get 10-11inch width is frigging hard. Finding one with a decent lip is nigh impossible.


    Hence my frustration.


    Read a blurb in the SVTOA about folks welding machined spacers to wheels to create customized offsets and got to wondering...

  2. George Lucas doesn't know how to do violence and evil.


    He can't even make a "war" movie anymore that involves showing actual people getting hurt: He now has robots fighting clones (which GL doesn't consider people) so that "nobody was harmed in the making of this scene".


    George Lucas not only has gone soft, but I have lost all faith that he can in fact even portray evil at all. He has shown he has no stomach for showing evil on a macro scale, warfare (look at his war scenes between the clones and robots, then look at his friend Spielberg's depiction, Saving Private Ryan). So I don't think he can show evil on a personal scale either. At best I think we're just going to get Anakin betraying Obiwan or some other limp wristed allegory of Anakin's "descent into darkness".


    In other words- after their big duel (Anakin's and Obiwans) wherein Darth is forged, you won't get to see him being, well, evil. Oh you'll see him in the suit, he'll probably walk around abit, maybe deliver a few lines. But, think you're going to see him say one-handedly choke someone to death, ala the opening scene in StarWars? Think again. (Hell I'm pretty sure Lucas would have pulled that scene out of the re-release too if he could have figured a way to do it.)


    So he's gone from the grittiness of his first movie wherein he shows the immoliated corpses of two innocent farmers, and has a protagonist who shoots first, is willing to blow away an entire planet... to where already by the third movie wherein we're given midgets in fur suits "almost" getting shot on camera... all the way to Episode II wherein there isn't a person on screen in harms way "taking one to the chest". Bleh. Might as well just go all the way and show us Carebears playing a spirited game of checkers for the fate of the galaxy.


    I don't have high hopes at all for this movie.


    Hope I'm wrong.

  3. I have a potential opportunity for a delphi developer. Looking for someone who can finish up an almost completed windows desktop app (90% feature complete, needs exception handling) and can support that app for a period of 3-6 months.


    And while it looks like I'm a recruiter, I'm not. ;)

    This is for a separate venture from my C# post.

  4. Anyone with real world project experience in C# .net development please send me a PM or reply here.


    I'm contracting on a 6 month project with a local company and we need to staff two positions yesterday.


    The pay will be good (~40-70hr or more depending on your experience). But more importantly these positions have an option to extend and also the client is looking to turn one or both of them into salaried positions at the end of the project (currently March).




    (no I don't have web openings or other stuff, and these are not "learn as you go positions" or "we'll train you" things - I need folks who can come in and hit the ground running as well as work with and mentor and lead other C# developers already here)

  5. I've decided that the selection of wheels that support the goofy offset of the 03 Cobra's rear end is not going to grow any more and so I've made my choice of wheel - that of course has the wrong offset to clear the IRS bolt on my car...


    So - I'm going the way of a spacer and need a place in town to help me do two things:


    1- choose a correct and good quality spacer that WON'T be a "bolt rider", but that places the load on the central hub, hubcentric.


    2- a shop that can properly weld the spacer to the wheel. I'm looking to alter the offset of the wheel itself by adding the spacer. I distrust spacers as a rule and so won't even consider one unless its hard welded to the wheel.


    So I want a shop that can not only weld on the spacer, but can balance and check that the wheel spins true once the spacer is welded on.



  6. Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

    sleeper as in a cobra with 700hp...I would think sam the vette guy who wants money for racing all the time, wold look at it and see "meh, 03 cobra I can walk him." ...

    ...til he opened the hood and saw the Kenne Bell.


    I don't know in what circle an 03 Cobra would be a sleeper actually anymore. That train left after fall 02. As you put it: "mortals" tread lightly against them stock. The "Big Dogs" should be smart enough to require a look under the hood. Too many people lost money to Cobras in the summer of 03, heh.

  7. So you're advocating a usage tax system for the schools.


    Only the people who use em pay for them.


    I'll argue why thats worse than just spreading it around to everyone thru an example:


    Usage tax on roads. You tell the dmv how much mileage you have on your car, all your cars, and you pay appropriately. Europeans do that. Sounds good at first eh? Europeans pay 5 times what we pay total for car ownership annually, embedded in tolls prices, gas prices, registration and titling costs, and outright taxation.


    Also it wouldn't work in America. There are vast stretches of land wherein only a few people live. A very low person/square-mile ratio. They rarely drive these roads. Want to drive across Nebraska on the way to California? Utah? Wyoming? Sorry, road's gone, underfunded. Take a plane. Wanna visit a farm in the country here in our own rural Ohio? Get a horse. Roads gone. Who's gonna pay for those roads? It benefits us all to have a very well maintained, extensive, and thorough road system, even if we all don't drive every single road there is every single day. Its been key to our economic and cultural dominance and growth over the past century.


    Exact same for education. Logistically that kind of funding system ends up giving us a spotty and inconsistent school system.


    And since I think we're on the same goal of getting every child educated, it makes sense to do it the best, most efficient way, overall, possible. It benefits us all to help pay for every child to get an education.

  8. Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

    It's all about people's consequences for their actions. If some broad wants to keep her legs spread and pop out 8 kids, then it should be the rest of us having to suffer through taxes because she can't figure out what birth control is.

    Thats an extreme example don't you think. But again, educating every child, regardless of circumstance, benefits us all. You see that dont you?


    Ok some ways why: one I'm close to is the process of discovery and advancement. you never know where the next Pasture or Steven Hawking or Mother Teresa will come from. They won't come at all if they don't get a education. Its a numbers game - the more you educate the better your chance of finding a genius (and no geniuses don't "inevitably" get themselves into an education). So you don't want to take the chance of missing the guy who'll cure cancer or the lady who'll write the next Hamlet or the next Rembrandt.


    From an economics point of view - it helps us all having more skilled labor. Ask any economist and they'll be able to better explain it than I will be able to. But its a universally accepted axiom, shared between communists and pure capitalists.




    As for Tractor:


    You're arguement is fundamentally flawed.


    Its result is that you're de facto punishing the child for the mistakes of the parent. The parent reaps no tangible immediate penalty for sending their kids down the river. But the next individual, the kid itself, suffers. I can't name the number of exceptional presidents, leaders, scientists, artists, writers and other people of note who've advance the whole of the American people who got started as children of really shitty parents, but its legion.


    Your suggestion punishes the innocent and shortchanges us. In other words I don't know about you but *I* want as many bright smart educated people to choose from as possible to hire as I move up the economic structure as I get older. Who wants to preside over a mass of idiots with just a few educated elites to choose from? I want to be able to pick from 20 possible candidates vs 3 possible and 17 ditch diggers.


    Anyone putting together a baseball team knows you get a better team by having more and many choices for recruiting.

  9. Originally posted by Spidey2721:

    yeah but the car should have been bullit green not silver. I love silver cars which is why my bird is silver. Like I said though it should have been bullit green and there was no charger to chase. ;-} There would be a kewl commerical when the new charger comes out.




    Oh you ABSOLUTELY KNOW Chrysler will reference the Mustang or the Bullit movie in some subtle way in their Charger ad campaign.


    Oh wait scratch that. If the ad man/woman in charge is old enough to have seen Bullit in theatres they won't. If they're young they will.

    Thats my guess. Because, well, young people is stoopid. ;)

  10. BTW - obviously I agree with my previous post's statement on two caveats:


    1- the regular school system meets a watermark of competency. That is: all kids are getting an adequate education. Any local levies are there to go above and beyond that and do not damage or penalize the other public districts.


    2- The extra monies generated by local levies stay local. Thats the fight our neighborhood is engaged in. We agreed to pay more because we can/want to give more for our kids (as I'm sure any parent does if they can), and we want to see that extra money work for the kids it was targeted at: ours.


    You'll notice I left private schools out of the question altogether. But they are the final solution (one I don't necessarily agree with, since they are a solution only for affluent neighborhoods and a deathknell for impoverished ones). BUT if people cannot find what they need thru public schools they can and will go private, and that hurts the public system infinitely more (trickledown, resource sharing, leveraged purchasing, all that goes away for the public schools if everyone with the means to do so sends their kids to private schools).





    Nitrous - it helps everyone to educate every child. I don't want to hire dumbasses in the future. And I don't want to have to pay colleges to teach kids what is essentially highschool education and remediation.

  11. Papa points out the delicate crux: Its a compromise between making sure every child gets an education, and being free to agree (aka vote) locally to pay more locally to have the local kids get more/better education.


    That righ there is the crux of the perplexity of the constitutional challenge to Ohio's school funding "system". Maybe I should say "practices" instead. Its the reason why Ohio hasn't bent yet to the federal courts' instruction to change the system, because people locally are saying: stay the heck out of my local business.


    The question really is summed up like so:


    Should people be free to vote/agree locally to pay MORE locally to have your local kids get a better education (thru levies)?


    Its a delicate complex subject.

  12. Originally posted by CR Caddy:

    It seems to me that GM is poised to stomp on Ford now the same way Ford stomped on GM with the demise of the Fullsize rear drive platform and F-bodys. Ford really capitalized on that with the Mustangs and Crown Vics. Maybe GM can do it back.

    I don't understand what they did. IMO Ford's dropped the ball. But for capitalizing saleswise they were outselling both all along: Mustang over f-bod combined sales, crown vic over impala.


    But in the absense of competition they go and axe SVT - irritating Ford edict: "Lets build the least performance we can that'll still sell. Oh competition gone? Lets nueter everything we got."



    And trucks? Well remember Ford pretty much has a lock on the truck sector. Hell they sell more f-series trucks than say Toyota sells of their, well, everything.


    Ford in 2003 sold 2,090,250 f-series trucks. Thats more than Toyota's total sales of all models at 1,866,314 cars and trucks. Its also more than all the other truck sales of all other makers combined.


    And then they go and axe the SVT Lightning? Arrrggg.


    [ 05. November 2004, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

  13. I'm about to wear out my second set. Under warranty - yes I know I drive this car too hard... (never buy a car off me - I *use* them)


    Anyhoo - anyone have a suggestion on a good set of aftermarket bushings? I'm not going to go the aftermarket route this time as I'll just be getting a warranty replacement, but if my wearout rate stays what it is i'll be needing another set right after I come off warranty, so wanted to get opinions ahead of time.

  14. ducking into a meeting - i'll pm you later - more to this than i posted but the escrow amounts are what i mentioned for a reason: my neighbor is a judge who's leading this whole civil revolt - so i'll give you the skinny offline if you're interested. not like we're going to get hte district boundaries realigned but we can make noise.


    ...and i thank you for not posting the tax card on the old address i gave you. we've both been members here long enough to watch the theft burden of CR membership hit others ;)

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