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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. $240,000 and I'm sure. Wanna see my break down.
  2. I have no problem with local taxes and Levies. However.... I live in Dublin. Good schools here too. The problem *I* have is the school district lines don't match up with the tax divisions. Meaning not everyone who's sending kids to Dublin schools is paying the property tax for those same schools. In other words - people who don't take it up the ass on these levies (and for me its about $13,000 in property tax PER YEAR) are sending their kids to our schools for free. Oh, and when OUR kids try to enroll now to OUR school for kindergarden or 1st grade, our school not 3 blocks away and to which I've been getting $$$ raped for every year of said child's entire LIFE, they can't go... because the school's FUKKING FULL already. Full with kids getting bus'd in from other neighborhoods... neighborhoods who're not paying the property tax I am to keep that school up?!? And now they try to bus our kids down to some shitschool near Bethel? Um, I don't fucking think so. About to tell me "move"? About to tell me "tough its life"? About to tell me "stop whining"? How about instead I tell you what I'm, what we're, doing about it: I'm not paying it come April 05. I've got the money escrowed but I'm not paying it. They can come try to sue me. They may. Good. I'll win in commissioners court too: Thirteen grand a year so I CAN'T send my kid to the public school right around the corner I've been paying for? Thousands of dollars in collected tax monies over six years and I can't send my kid to said school? Oh Yeah, we're not going to lose that in comissioners' court. Oh and guess what - in the meantime I'm not paying the levy, AND I'm sending my kid to private school. About six to eight grand annual will cover that easy. Oh, and the public school will lose more. Because the moment I take my kids out of the public school system altogether they lose an extra ~$5,000 in state/Federal matching funds. And like I said - I, we, will win levy exemption when/if Dublin tries to sue me, us, for that levy money. ------------- TAX AND LEVY DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEED TO MATCH SCHOOL DISTRICTS - PERIOD. ------------- Sorry about that rant. That was last spring and it still chafes my ass. And it was my neices and kids in my neighborhood even not my own kid. It'd be worse otherwise. My Point being (I have a point? uh lets pretend I do) - you never have to just take things up the ass. *whew, deep breath* [ 05. November 2004, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  3. Transformers = http://www.richardsimmons.com/images/img/RichardBiofotos2.jpg
  4. Isn't Verizon trying to roll out internet access via its optical network as well?
  5. If you think Colin L. Powell is going to run for president in 2008 you're in for a disappointment. Although that would be cool.
  6. ...and islam, and judaism, and buddism, and atheism (oh yes atheism is a religion), and so on and so on....
  7. No boost lag rulez. But anyways SC'd 03s hit the 1000hp mark like last year summer I think. I remember because I remember giving some Supra tool grief about after he spent most of early 2002 running his mouth.
  8. Arnold can't run for president. He's not a natively born citizen. No the constitution shouldn't be changed so he could. You know, politics aside - I'd pay real money to be watching Michael Moore's face right about now.
  9. ... and the urban legends begin...... Kudos to Kerry for not contesting. He should again run in four years: Hone his message, lose Edwards, and I'd vote for him!
  10. Ok the regular 05 is not super ugly - but the Saleen doesnt make it look better, it just makes it worse. What they did between the rear taillights sucks, and wtf is with replacing the honeycomb grill insert with that rectangular grill POS? And those "Lee Press-On" Rally Lights need to go. And I never warmed up to the "shark gill" decal Saleen puts on the doors or rocker panels, that has always looked cheesy and cheap to me. Yuk. So thats what I don't like. I do like the seats.
  11. No Neo - you misunderstood me. Didn't know it was a typo. There is a 305 engine. But it sucked. So I was saying that anyone that'd swap THAT engine in as opposed to the many other sb choices would be dumb - sorry if that wasnt clear. I have a headcold today and am flying on dayquil and zercam, so I'm about as witty as a treesloth....
  12. When I've [EDIT] ran spiritedly alongside [/EDIT] an M3 it was alot closer than the EVO's I've run, so between those two I think the M has a slight advantage on the street, but then again its mostly up to the driver... [ 01. November 2004, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  13. The 305?!?!? WTF? "Hello, I'm [Miata owner]. I'm stupid as hell."
  14. I agree with Venom and SlowZ06. I'd buy the C6 before that. The Saleen will hold its value much better than the C6 though, as has been the case with previous Saleens' resale. But actually I'd buy neither and wait on a new C6 based Z06. In fact I think that's what I'm doing...
  15. RUTAN I WANT YOUR CAR! Everytime I see it in here it grows on me more.
  16. Let me fill you in from personal experience: people outside the US are just as dumbass as we and just as swayed by media bias and soundbytes and all the other stuff that beguiles "us stupid americans". I can say that after spending weeks chatting with my inlaws in Holland on a recent trip this fall. Their teenagers and twentysomethings are just as vapid and shallow as ours are: although polite, they're often just as quick to fire off some quip they caught on MTV Euro, and then have nothing to back it up. And their adults are just as prone to propaganda (Oh, anyone remember last century, btw?) Oh and as for Kerry or Bush - I honestly don't care, we're screwed either way. Though I like Cheney a HELL of a lot more than Edward for three reasons: 1- He's not a lawyer, 2- He's retiring after this term, 3 - Edward looks like Sam Neil in "Omen".... *shudder*
  17. Don't think I like it - too much plasticky looking gunk on it. Kind of the same disease Mid-90s Grand Ams suffered from with their hundreds of lbs of craptacular vinyl/fiberglass/plastic cladding and doodads glued all over the bodywork. No thanks. At least Saleen didn't use their previous butt ugly wing on this thing. You should see the retro spoiler (not wing) Rousch is planning to bolt on the 05s, can you say "barn door"?
  18. I don't agree that warranty costs were a factor in the SVT org getting dispersed within Ford at all. I think three things are at root: 1-Team Mustang and other internal Ford depts wanting to raid the SVT resources, 2-Internal dissention over departments being upstaged, 3-no real market pressure to have a SVT product for either the f150 lineup or the Mustang lineup. Re: number three - "Huh", you say? Well, the Mustang is going to sell just fine for at least one or two years. And there's no competition right now to make it look bad. As for the F150, well its been the number 1 selling truck in the world for decades. The SVT is a splash in that pond. Also... and this is just my wild ass guess: The Ford GT development really drained the SVT team in my opinion.
  19. Um Ford and GM made money hand over fist in the 90s on SUVs. Its Porsche and Mercedes that came to that party after the band went home. So they made the "right" decisions for $$$ in the 90s. But, it looks like performance is back as a sales driver (which is RARE - the last time that was true was the mid-60s). SVT going away isn't without precedence - Ford did the same thing to SVO in the late 80s, so this being true wouldn't surprise me. Now thats I've spouted off and shot from the hip, let me go actually read that link... EDIT: Read it, interesting quote there. Doesn't clear anything up about SVT et al, but is of interest for Cobra folks: [ 27. October 2004, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  20. Right now looking for Java JSP admin skills. On another front at another company I know of a couple .net opportunities about to open up (as I'm creating them). But they are scrictly C# opportunities. You'll need to mentor other C# developers and so you'd need expertise and experience in it for the client to hire.
  21. Anyone here have any JSP admin experience? If so PM me here.
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