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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Obviously I'm assuming both would be bottom up builds. The motor on half psi still lasts longer.
  2. Orion is right though - Mag does burn. And when it does start burning you can forget putting it out. But its probably deemed safe in cars because it needs a really high temp to ignite. Meaning that by the time the magnesium content in the car(whereever it may be) starts burning, your car is most likely already engulfed in fire. Porsche used them in their wheels awhile ago, and I had the pleasure(?) of watching one of them burn to the ground. When the wheels started burning you had to look away - like looking at an arc welder.
  3. But it does burn really spectacularly. Will it really be at the Detroit Auto Show? If so who's bringing back pictures?
  4. They look like a Grand Prix. Stop pestering the guy. He just stated the obvious.
  5. I didn't mean to. The DSM org I belonged to was a Philly org when I lived out east. I never belonged to Columbus DSM. But the east coast members, like the guys in the northern Cali club I belonged to before them, were so full of misinformation it made me cry and hang my head in shame. But I'm sure all DSM owners here in my home of Ohio are completely well informed, mechanically savvy individuals... oh wait, the thread topic... DOH
  6. Yeah, so? Any engine will last longer at 15psi than 30psi. I'm saying I'd wager a 1200hp Dodge V10 running full power at 15psi will last longer than a 1200hp Supra I6 running full power at ~30psi. Not like we can prove such a thing. Anyone want to put two motors up on stands and run them full out til one explodes? That'd be cool to watch though.
  7. I am looking for someone with several years project QA experience. This is a full SDLC product development project with the product slated to hit the streets (a trade show) in March. And is probably a contract-to-hire position (transitioning right around March). Rate is probably $35-$45/hr while contract, and salary is negotiable in March. I need someone in here mid to late December, or at the latest early January. PM me or reply here, thx. --------- Oh I also have two C# developer positions I'm still needing to fill, if you know of anyone with C# development experience PLEASE point em at me. Rate is ~$55-$75/hr. One or both of these are also contract-to-hire. Thx again
  8. Most unstable aircraft award goes to: The X-29. http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/X-29/Small/EC90-039-4.jpg Statically AND Dynamically unstable. So much so that it has an amplitude doubling modulation of .29 secs (coincidence only with the jet's name). That means, were the onboard computers to fail, the plane would begin an uncontrolled oscillation that doubled in size roughly every 1/3 of a sec. The plane projected thusly to tear itself apart in less than 7 seconds (luckily for the test pilots the three onboard computers never simultaneously failed, so it never happened). Gimme a B2 over that any day. Of course the instability was designed in on purpose and was the reason it was also the most manueverable aircraft ever (even moreso than thrust vectoring designs later on).
  9. Your first clue is what the guy is driving. With the exception of most CR DSM owners here, most DSM owners I've talked to thru the years don't know what the fuk they are talking about. This is coming from an ex-DSM owner and club member. The amount of religiously beleived BS hype is only beaten by the Civic owners crowd. Yo.
  10. And as for the German engineering comment I agree and like to add that not even BMW are "towing the line" with respect to quality unblemished. Ask me about my colleague who lemoned 3, count em THREE, brand new 745s. To BMW's credit they let him out of each of them (he ended up in an Audi A8), but AFAIK the iDrive system has not been brought under control, and it's now infecting the 5 series as well. And as for a 5 being competition to this car - only if you get an M5. And even though M5's are listed in the $79k range, good luck getting into a new one for less than $90k if you don't know someone. But even at $79k that $30,000 difference is just not worth it, especially when my hero from TopGear doesn't want one.
  11. Mind if I ask with how much down up front? That on an 05 or a leftover 04? Hey Zeit, did you talk to the dealer about SmartBuy? That could get your first two years of payments down, get you into that CTS-V sooner. I'm pretty much decided - I'm buying one too.... now to convince the wife : she thinks its ugly (arrrg). Good luck finding one with <20k miles for under $35,000. You'd probably only be able to find beat up ones.
  12. It'll take a couple years for alot of these to be on the road.
  13. At that psi its also going to last a whole helluva lot longer than the Supras, DSMs, 3S's, 5.0s, 300zx's, etc etc blah blah blah running 30+psi. Disregarding Displacement-Haters, thats impressive. Go Dodge.
  14. Wrong. The Saturn V stage one equaled 160,000,000 horsepower. Thats about double the amount of potential hydroelectric power that would be available at any given moment if all the moving waters of North America were channeled through turbines. Mmmm. The Saturn V. That one is more of both of them than any other engine ever. Made in the USA. (Ok I'm contributing nothing to this flame thread so I'll go now.)
  15. I liked the looks of the CTS as soon as I saw it. OK maybe not. But it grew on me fast. Liked it more in person. The interior is the best GM's put together (next is the GTO's interior which I like also). So Zeit, after test driving it are you going to buy it? It sounds like you are circling the kill.
  16. LOL- then you don't even want to know what the wife and I are paying on our two cars. Then again one's a 36month deal. But zeit - you're doing the right thing, saving up for more down up front saves you twice. and +1 on everything Nitrousbird said.
  17. Specialized - the car you're talking about was on sale in 73. It might have been an 74 model though. And I thought it was the Super Heavy Duty. I'll have to ask my cousin for sure, I think he bought one.
  18. Played it. Finished it. Probably the only FPS I've finished in a couple years. And I buy them all... and usually lose interest 1/2-way thru. That should tell you something. Halflife 2 is as good as Halflife 1 was. Spectacular ending IMO. Not because of pyrontechnics, but just for having the balls to do what they did. I won't say more without spoiling. Play it all the way thru. BTW- did anyone else see in the news Valve kicked quite a few HL2 players off steam recently for having cracked/pirated copies?
  19. Tractor - you know there is a simulator for doing the Shuttle approaches? Deadsticking that brick is tough. Actually you can do the entire mission from launch to touchdown. And its free. I'll see if I can find the url.
  20. I was complimenting the guy on running it hard enough to break stuff. All cars break stuff racing, from Mustangs to Porsches. You race, you break stuff. Kudos to this guy for balls-out runs. I thought 3si's were in the 9s already?
  21. I'm hoping for the pilot it was engine failure. Would suck to be him otherwise.
  22. Gotta love breaking something 2 outta 3 passes.
  23. Musicians have been doing it for centuries.
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