Tomorrow will be my last day at TD. They've treated me well. I've been respected for my efforts and accomplishments, but its time for me to move into a venture that frees up a little of my home life. With 2 little girls driving momma crazy I need to be around a little bit more to help out and I cant do that working 55-58 hrs a week..
The opportunity I have taken is with Best One Tire service(previously Convenient Tire Valet) I will be acting as the manager/outside rep for the Best One service trucks. More details will come as we get our advertising setup. For now I still have connections everywhere. The crew is still at Tire Discounters and until I have a better option I still recommend going there and seeing the guys.. Ask for Doug.
I will continue to be the tire hookup here on CR just now we can service you at home or work instead of sitting around in a showroom.
Thanks for you business CR