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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Archie

    PS2 Stuff

    depending on the shape of the ps2 console, i'd give you $70 for it
  2. Archie


    Good to know they have more time to worry about important stuff like leprechauns. God forbid these people be bothered with work or their families.
  3. Archie

    taxes question

    Yeah free money!!! I hope you get a big check, while other hard working individuals bust their ass and work several jobs to pay for college expenses. You're probably majoring in pop culture or something like that, and will receive a steady salary in the form of welfare when you get out of school. Full time students get fucked, I'm only getting $45 bucks for my return because I made too much $$ this year.
  4. This ain't no space ship, its a dodge
  5. that shit is fuckin hilarious
  6. lovemy86, I'm sorry I am unable to spell very well, I guess I'll have to work on that when I START TO GIVE A FLYING FUCK. Maybe you should go visit my gradeschool teacher and you two can discuss my spelling skills while you feel each other up. I already had someone correct my spelling mistake, you unoriginal bastard.
  7. Hey I'm still in college, what do you expect? But its not like I went to a dealership and bought it new because my girlfriend has the same car. It's more like I can't afford shit, because I keep wasting all my money on books, booze, and bitches. Wish my parents could afford to buy me a purple trans am. (It is a bad ass car tho)
  8. You could always put your rent money in an escrow account. That way they cannot charge you any penalties for not paying rent. I had to do this last winter when my landlord wouldn't fix our furnace. The court ended up awarding us a nice sum of money, because we paid high electric bills to run space heaters so we didn't freeze to death. God bless the campus lawyer.
  9. I like the question at the bottom asking "Are you on crack? Why would you do that to a Cobra? Here's a hint, fast and furious is stupidly gay." haha
  10. I'd rather have inferior spelling abilities, then some creepy dude that buys the same car as me. Guys can have names like Sweet Tooth... I have a sweet tooth, but it sure as hell ain't for cookies. Not tryin to be mean, just real.
  11. Stop dating deuchebags, a man is not supposed to drive a car like that.
  12. remember that normal tests don't check for viruses like HSV and HPV
  13. I like how people can badmouth Catholics and not get banned, but turn around and say something about blacks, ect. youre account goes bye bye. (luckily most catholics have a good sense of humor)
  14. ducebag, you still wanna trade for that ninja? haha
  15. I got a 93 Kawasaki ex500 ill trade ya
  16. what more do you want to know, hes a dick.
  17. My cousin and I had a little confrontation with him in vegas, this guy is an A1 asshole. We approached him calm and very respectable, he proceeded to give us some arrogance and profanity. And from my observation he was completely sober. Go ahead write him a letter, he'll probably use it to light a cigar.
  18. I'm the underground lurker your mom never warned you about.
  19. All bitches are fucked up in the head. If I came home and found my girl in bed with some guy, I would knock her the fuck out. Then tell the guy he better leave. Most likely she didn't tell him shit, I've been "that guy with the black mustang" that some sluts boyfriend wanted to beat up. Go to the bar and get another one.
  20. You're right 10xWorse, everyone is ignorant but you. Why don't you go to another country and act like a complete jackass and see what they do to you. Not only will they call you every name in the book, but most likely you will be gutted like a fish, and we are the ones who are racist biggots? Most of us try to make an honest living, just to have some thug taxi driver from God knows where, throw a rock at my car. I dont think so. Hell he probably doesnt even pay taxes. Keep stickin up for people like that, they'll stab you in the back and take everything you got in your pockets, you poor bastard.
  21. Archie


    I like this rant, it is very well written. Especially the part about welfare, I hate those lazy fucks.
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