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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Or how about when you make arrangements (dibs, PM, call the dude) to buy a bike from someone ON THIS SITE, and some bitchface shows up while you're buying it to offer him more money. Then the only thing that keeps you from viciously attacking the d-bag is that you want the seller to let you in his house to get the title.
  2. Archie

    Debra Lafave

    I've seen that shit on larry king, that chic is hawt. Hopefully she'll be in playboy soon.
  3. do you mean past owner? I'm pretty sure I knows who it is now, some scandalous ass biatch, and she already has another phone
  4. I found this verizon phone that is much better than mine. Is there any way for me to use this bad boy or is it black listed?
  5. Archie

    Lowlife Scum!!!

    I like that part in American Psycho when he kills that bum. "Get a god damn job, Al." That shit always cracks me up
  6. I'd say no. In my time spent in college where you're almost always sharing a room with someone, if you've never lived with anyone else you're not going to like it. I've seen people drop out of school just because they couldn't stand living with someone else. I've shared a room for a while and I'm comfortable doing it, but a lot of people I know that aren't used to it are just miserable. Also Ive had better experiences living with people I don't know, rather than my good friends.... I guess it all depends on the people and the situation.
  7. From my experience with verizon, if you talk to any customer service rep (in-store or telephone) take a few minutes to talk with their supervisor, or someone else higher up. I had problems last summer, called a few times... ended up with the head of customer service, and i got 6 months of free service. Apparently if those initial salespeople fuck around too bad,(like what happend with kuruma) its a breach of contract or something. I need to stop drinkin my brain is fried. Cingular blows nuts, dont expect to get service anywhere.
  8. Archie

    School levy's

    Ah who gives a rats ass, people in westerville have too much fucking money anyways. I'm from the older part of westerville, my neighborhood was built 20+ years ago. Its gonna be so tough for all those rich bastards who live in medallion, the lakes, ect. Maybe they will have a tough time paying for all that water to fill up their swimming pools, or gas for their $50,000 SUV. I had alot of benefit from going to highschool in westerville, we had alot of resources (computers, software, hardware, scientific equipment) that other schools didnt have because their city would never pass a levy.
  9. Last time I bought that stuff I'm pretty sure I got it at TSC. (Tractor Supply Co.) on 23. I could be wrong though.
  10. Racer X You scored -25% Congratulations. You are the real thing. Chances are you could tear down your engine and put it back together in a weekend. You know a decent amount about racing dynamics. The "FATHF" culture has been a bane to your existence since you've been in the game for years before that horrid movie was released. Auto-x, drag racing, track time, you know enough to not sound like an ass while talking about it, and you can probably hold your own on the track too. Race on, good citizen, for you are a true Racer.
  11. This is most moronic bullshit I have ever heard. I at least gave somewhat of an educated view, your just citing some Tupac lyrics. Educate yourself and come up with your own opinion you unoriginal bastard, quit swinging from Tupac's nuts.
  12. That whole N.Y. / Boston series was rediculous. The yanks are worthless. Maybe they would have done better if Giambi didnt get that stomach virus from eating too many steroids.
  13. I dislike the fact that anything factual that is remotely bad about certain ethnic groups is "ignorant", a few things to keep in mind when looking through history: 1. Blacks were sold into slavery by their own people. Back in those years this was done all over the world, Not just in america. Many european country sold whites as slaves to people in the americas, it is not as widely talked about because they didn't sell as many as blacks. 2. Millions of immigrants who came to this country in the early 1900's pretty much were slaves. Italians, Irish, Germans, Greeks, Jews, ect. worked for extremely low pay in the most dangerous conditions. Many of my ancestors (italian) died in the horrible conditions in coal mines and construction. Also they had many derrogatory names, and also were kept from voting. But they also EARNED their respect by "building" the country help bringing positive culture to america. Yes the mob did exist, but the italian communities of New York were filled with respect, decency, and control. There were barely any rapes, killings, or crackheads. 3. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians get compensation for being a minority. I know tons of people getting free college because they are a different race (affirmative aciton). Wheres my free college? If it weren't for our european ancestors, there wouldn't be no colleges - These are statements with educated reasoning, not racist biggotry. Recently my grandfathers good friend, a 77 year old man, was stabbed by a black 19 year old gang member, for $96. That is their way for earning "respect" in this country. In the end everybody is racist, it will never change. Thinking that there is ever going to be a world without prejudice or racism is IGNORANT.
  14. Thats great for your "save the world" or everybody hold hands type shit... but for anyone who has been mugged, jumped, robbed, or known a chic who has been raped by a guy like that. All that politically correct shit goes right out the window. It has been statistically proven that certain ethnic groups commit more crimes, rapes, murders, robberies, ect. I am in no way a racist, but after you live in any BIG city (ie. not suburbs around columbus) you get sick of hard working people putting up with this shit.
  15. Take your time theres no need to rush things. From what I've learned is: Girls LOVE to chase. If she likes you and is interested in you, she will call. Ladies want a man, not some pussy worrying about feelings all day.
  16. I guess i might be too late but ive been looking for a bike, ive sent you a PM. Also I am located in westerville and could pick it up as soon as tonight or tomarrow.
  17. I guess i might be too late but ive been looking for a bike, ive sent you a PM. Also I am located in westerville and could pick it up as soon as tonight or tomarrow.
  18. Lookin for a cheap motorcycle, I don't want anything special, preferably something old that runs. Im only lookin to spend around $500. If anyone knows someone whos looking to get rid of one, pm me. Thanks
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