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Posts posted by Murse

  1. Agreed, just give him the tools and most likely he will figure it out. If you know programjng you can show him something easy and give him a taste of what you can do with it. Since he's such a gaming nerd maybe something where he can program his own games.


    The brain is a crazy thing. I've had alot of patients that had autism or aspergers and it's something that's intrigued me. It's amazing what the brain can do. The one case (not a patient of mine) that stood out to me is the guy that was flown over a large city, and was then able to draw the city to scale and in incredible detail.

  2. Never had tuna and would have stayed away from it had I not just read some of you guys like it. Tuna mre just doesn't sound like they should go together. But now I'll have to try it.


    Mres at the military surplus are getting expensive, but I say that cuz I remember picking them up at the BX At wright-patterson for $1 when I was stationed there.

  3. Correct, but I thought it was relevant to his comment If all goes well then in a couple years males will have equal protection against unwanted pregnancy, without the permanence of getting snipped. I wasn't trying to say that it was the same, but rather post interesting info that i thought people would enjoy. :)


    Ahhhh I thought you were posting it to say "old news"

  4. A friend of mine teaches them. He's retired Franklin county swat, now backup Fairfield and is also their sniper trainer, Kelley Keys. His is 2 days tho but does alot of tactical training. He does it with 2 FBI agents. It's a great class that's who I took it through. I'll post up info once I get home.
  5. I've been saying for a while (aka since that Top Gear episode) that our standards need to mimick those of scandanavian nations... high price, major time commitment, and rigid testing standards.


    As well as retesting! Maybe every 10 yrs? like ccw class certs. You can renew one time without having to take the tests again. That would get alot of the elderly off the roads that shouldn't be driving.

  6. Like some of the comments made, I'm calling BS on some of these. Most should be the same thing with subtle differences since your not going to feel any different with taking some of those just one time. Unless he's taking 4x the dose, even then I'm skeptical.
  7. When you have to decide between the better of 2 evils, something is wrong. I'll still be voting for Ron Paul. I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I voted for the candidate that I feel whole heartedly would do the right thing once in office.
  8. I still need to research him more, but I'm not fully on board with him. His budget proposal actually increases the debt before it balances anything. Also it's a 30 year plan and as everyone knows, that plan will only be in effect for a few years at best, so it will increase the national debt and that's it!


    But again I need to do some more digging on his views, how he's voted in the past and most importantly who is in his pockets.

  9. We had national city/PNC and it went from bad to awful. Wife's grandmother sent us a check for 6k and pnc locked our account without any notification. Stating it was a fraudulent check and after 14 days of no access to our bank account they fixed it and basically said "oops, sorry" and durring that entire time nobody knew what was going on. Their communication was nonexistant! so we switched to Huntington for business and personal. They were charging us fees left and right and it was costing us alot just to bank with them. So with a few recommendations for chase and one being literally across the street, we switched and have been incredibly pleased. Only downside is that Leah was told she would get basically free everything banking since I'm military for the business account, but found out that it's only if I'm on the business account as well. So that blows but so far it's been cheaper than Huntington.
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