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Everything posted by iwishiwascool

  1. Pssh, You need a URC MX-5000. If you really want to be a baller an AMX 5200i
  2. Poor Taylor Swift's sad little face at the end was heartbreaking.
  3. I think it is a repost, but it gets updated all the time so no foul. I saw the bag on the little girls head and I said "Oh... my... god" out loud. Then I read the title.
  4. I once used killz in an enclosed bathroom without ventilation for roughly an hour. Only after I opened the door and breathed in fresh air did I realize how close I was to passing out/dying. Luckily I have plenty of brain cells to spare. The smell was stuck in my throat for 2 days.
  5. Thanks, The wife of the deceased made reference to the rumors being spread (which clearly my wife and I were unaware of) and obviously denied them with a certain amount of anger. I'm wondering where the rumor started and if it will be substantiated.
  6. Link to the rumor statement? I saw the "swerving to pass" accusation from an anonymous speculator, but nothing about the suicide part.
  7. I've always believed that the funeral is a benefit to those left behind. We showed support for his wife, who, if all this is true, is sure to be a disaster for a long time.
  8. Dr. Beathler: Link I am super critical of my doctors and he has been an A+ albeit a bit on the socially weird side. (614) 764-5600
  9. I guess I should have searched. That is beyond fucked up if he decided to take his own life at the expense of other random innocents. Any links to the stories covering this?
  10. Seriously? Who is "they"? That would be a crazy turn of events.
  11. no, no. The guy whose funeral I went to was the one left of center.
  12. Though the wife went to my High school too, I didn't know either one of them. I'm wondering why he went left of center.
  13. Anyone hear about it? Expedition vs. Semi tractor. I was at the guy's funeral today as he was the husband of my wife's HS friend.
  14. My wife used Assurant before she was my wife and after she moved here. We never had to use it but it seemed fine and was cheap.
  15. If you go into an interview with the perspective that your certification speaks for itself, you are probably cutting yourself short. If the gyms you are applying to are like most, a personal trainer is essentially a sales rep. It is up to you to find clients, convince them of your worth, grow and build a long term relationship. All the Kinesiology knowledge in the world is worthless unless you have a client willing to pay for it. Perhaps it is time to work on your salesman ship and personality in the interview and elsewhere.
  16. If it is a small dog... that wont eat my Italian leather sofa the wife and I would be willing to watch him. Must be cute though.
  17. If I had a goal of laundering money and had only processed 12K in a decade I would call myself a failure.
  18. Looks like it is certain categories that they are doing this. Mine was in consumer electronics which is a "high risk" category. $300 item, 10 for paypal $20 for ebay... and they still can't turn a fucking profit.
  19. ! I even searched for paypal. The same lack of attention that led to my not realizing that they drastically changed their policies.
  20. I have processed more than 12k through paypal in the last decade with out a single complaint or refund. I sold something on ebay last week and was informed that in addition to the 2% increase since the last time I sold something of significance, I would have to wait 26 days before the funds are released. Really? This together with eBay's ridiculous final value fee increases compels me to say goodbye to eBay.
  21. My life/job consists of networking. It should be fairly interesting as I have fairly unique access to some of the most outrageous houses/condos in Columbus. More info on that as I get permission to post pics of their ridiculous pads. Find me @ProgressiveKen Anyone else had any success finding jobs, business this way?
  22. iwishiwascool


    My 2012 calendar will probably end on December 31st. On December 21st 2012 The Mayans just have to buy a new Johnas Brothers Calendar like everyone else.
  23. The movie is supposed to be far more of a social commentary about Jingoism, social inequality, racism, etc. than an action flick... from what I understand.
  24. I just fireftp built into my firefox browser... Or even IE "view ftp as file folder".
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