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Everything posted by iwishiwascool

  1. Perfect. I could not be more tired of pseudo-intellectuals who boast an IQ of 80 referring to anyone with a dissenting opinion as a sheep. If these fucking idiots would realize that their perceived revolutionary conceptual argument that they bring to the table is represented by a million other bobbing heads and political pundits, they might realize that the "sheep" shoe fits their foot too.
  2. I like Hamilton Parker. Retail there is not cheap at all; however, if you know the right people, people with contractor accounts with them, you can get retail less 40-50%. The selection cannot be beat. I also have a relationship with the Tile Shop, DalTile, and Florida tile, if you need.
  3. Page is finally finished. I figured it all out. Flash is easy after the initial learning curve. http://www.KenAndKristinsWedding.com if anyone cares.
  4. The "razors in the garage" or the fact that skater punkery doesn't suit my online persona?
  5. 2 years ago, After being away from the sport for years, I rolled in there, strapped my skates on, and nailed that steep as hell rail immediately. The little posers there actually thought I was good.
  6. I used to be too. My razors are still in my garage. I went to the flow pretty regularly... 6 years ago or so.
  7. I just did a yoga class last night with my wife. I am a pretty strong dude and it kicked my ass.
  8. I think a lender assumes that you have the common sense to know that taxes will not be consistent over a 30 year term.
  9. It should be assume that your home as lost value since you bought it. Request a reappraisal by the auditor. You might be able to negate the increase in you taxes and the shortfall from your escrow last year.
  10. The ceremony with our family was held on a beach and ordained by one of our mutual friends who has studied and is accepting of all religions. She would be considered an agnostic theist by definition. Our legal solemnization was done before we left at the little wedding chapel in the brewery district; A simple 10 minute service with no religious dogma. My wife and I are on the same page. It is sad that in "skinners" paradigm weddings can only be held in the rigid construct that he has seen witnessed them in the past.
  11. My belief is that if there is a right answer than there is a 99.9% probability that nobody has figured it out. I reserve the .1% for Judaism. No joke.
  12. Agnostic. This label tends to fit me better as well.
  13. To declare that something definitely does not exist is to proclaim that everything that exists is known. That being said... I'm an atheist.
  14. It was definitely a Jet. C17 is the winner. That effer was huge.
  15. Poking around the internets... I think it was just a C130 and I am an aviation noob.
  16. Anybody else see it? I have never seen something anything that big fly and then to do it so slow.
  17. I was there on Sunday. It was the Romanelli&Hughes House. They used Control4. Progressive Audio uses a more advanced product called AMX that allows us to do the same with customized Cribs style layouts, different for each client.
  18. The Sonos Ap is the coolest one I have... but you have to buy the other gear with it. Control all the zones of music in your house with your iPhone.
  19. I agree with less than a full suit for this particular application. I didn't guess it was a retail position.
  20. A proper fitting suit at that. Nothing says: "I'm 23 applying for my first real job" more than an oversized poorly tailored jacket and pleated slacks. Further more: Nothing says: "I am ready to work at Best Buy" like khakis and a polo shirt. Dress to the standard that you believe you are worth.
  21. I work for Progressive Audio. We specialize is projects like this. I'd be happy to throw a quote together.
  22. I cannot believe that was almost 5 years ago.
  23. I do marketing proposals for a living. PM me the terms and compensation.
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