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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. How much are you looking to spend? I have a spyder pilot and a diablo mongoose.
  2. Notice the thanks to The Fast and Furious bit again.
  3. If he has a car - find it and return the favor x 4. Then play ring around with your keys a couple times.
  4. I'd wait. Most of the time, it's going to be the same book but you never know what kind of weirdo is teaching the class.
  5. Rayman

    airsoft guys

    I know what getting hit with a paintball feels like. How comparable is it to getting hit with a airsoft?
  6. Rayman


    Blame Jessica. Romo couldn't handle the pressure of his girl watching. Haha
  7. Can't beat the classic chocolate. That's the best tasting one.
  8. Rayman

    Rock Band

    I can do the singing/guitar/bass on Hard. But I can only pull off the drums on easy. That's some hard stuff.
  9. LOL!!!! That is the funniest shit I've heard in a long time.
  10. Costo has the DS lite w/ the Zelda package for $169
  11. Last up before all's going on ebay.
  12. For some strange reason or another Ebay decided to cancel my auction. Even though I meet all there picture rules. They cancelled it 15 minutes before it ended. I'm a little pissed at them. Well it's up for sale now. It's the 20gb version. Brand new never opened. Got it at eb games. Asking $650 OBO. Wanting to get rid of it before Christmas. PM me if you're interested or Email. RaymanS115@aol.com
  13. Yeah it does. Please let me know where it's at?
  14. Rayman

    Ebay: PS3

    4 Hours left!!! Uppity
  15. I'm looking for a 1G Talon/Eclipse hood. Prefer to be black and in decent condition. Let me know if anyone's got one. Thanks.
  16. Thanks for the group info. Didn't know they raised the price, that sucks.
  17. Well, it's about that time again. And it seems somebody asks for it every year. So I might as well be the one to do it this year. Who has the hookup info for discount season passes for Madriver mountain? Thanks.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320047181740&rd=1&rd=1 I'm selling these for my brother. Only has a day left. Bid away!
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