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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Kawi Kid - http://raymans41.mybrute.com/fight/208772842 The pupil takes on the master.
  2. Heehee....me How did you see how many pupils I had? What's up with the brutes that have bears as pets. That shits just not fair. I have a little dog and they have a fricking BEAR!
  3. I'd just leave it locked in your glovebox and call it a day. They can't search your car without your permission...which I'm assuming you'd say no. We are an "at will" state but if your evaluations every year shows that you've met their requirments and they still fire you. You can take that to court...which will probably end up settling outside of court.
  4. Rayman


    Ok, I don't get it. You were waiting for it to rust?
  5. Rayman

    home alarm???

    We go through Apex. They're a newer company, so they're giving pretty good deals to attract more business. We pay like $45 a month. Free install, we got like 7 door/window sensor and 3 motion detectors. They use honeywell hardware. We've had like 10 false alarms in the past year that we haven't had to pay for yet. All our fault...heehee.
  6. http://www.antirape.co.za/intro.htm They got this all wrong. It's not really an anti-rape device because it really doesn't prevent rape. It's more of a rape revenge device. Either way it's just wrong all the way around on everybody's part in this scenario. Everyone just needs to calm down. Man - no raping anyone. Women - stop inventing crazy alien looking concotions that needs to be surgically removed if a man does stick his penis in you. That is all.
  7. Rayman

    Backup Weapon?

    Ruger LCP is my bug It's also my primary during the summer.
  8. Pawn shops are your friend...well sometimes, if you know what you're doing.
  9. That's like recording a digital song to a 8 track.
  10. Now you're just looking for reasons to post pics of your tromix saiga. I'm jealous.
  11. Guess I'm a couple days too late. Stopped by this morning after work and they're all gone.
  12. Anyone want to go 1/2s on these if they have anymore?
  13. Vance's was out of all brass .223 yesterday when I was there.
  14. Rayman

    Price Check

    I sold a complete DPMS lower for $350 two months ago. FTF.
  15. Most of the electronics button ones are the 4 button design. They usually stick out and you just have to put your hand over the buttons. Each one of your fingers would be touching a button. Pretty easy to feel and get your hand lined up. Some even have groves to guide your hand. You shouldn't have a problem with opening it in the dark. Mine even has a small light inside that lights up after you get it open.
  16. I bought a cheap S&W flashlight off Cheaper Than Dirt. But after seeing this and the $40 pmags a few months ago, they're never getting any business from me again. You can't help but laugh at a $70 box of blazer .380. I don't really stock pile ammo either. I just have enough for the range and for when the zombies come.
  17. Who wants a box of .380 blazer? Well Cheaper Than Dirt's got the hook up: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM3172-5.html Or do you need to restock your 9mm supply? http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ItemListing.aspx?catid=736 $29.79 for a box of Wolf!?! Man, I better get a case. Cheaper Than Dirt?!?!? It's not even cheaper than GOLD! Cheaper Than Diamonds, maybe. But DIRT?!?! This is price gouging at a comedic level. Ok, now that I'm done with my rant, I'm going to sit back and wait for the first jackass to come in here and tell me it's "supply and demand".
  18. You may want to stay away from bio scanners. It's just a expensive marketing feature. I work at Riverside Hospital and we have fingerprint scanners on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. We get lucky sometimes and the fingerprint scanner will let us in the first time we try. Usually it take multiple attempts. So do your really want to the scanner to be beeping at you when you really need your gun? I have an electronic push button combination one that I picked up at Vance's for like $80-90. I have it by the bed and spare keys hidden, just incase the electronics gives out on me. Just my personal opinion of course, but I do deal with bio scanners on a daily basis.
  19. I had feeling you were going to say that. I recognized some of the Tromix parts on yours.
  20. Hey Austin, did you do the conversion yourself? Or got it done somewhere? If so where? I need to figure out if I'm going to send mine out or give it a shot.
  21. I bought my wall paper steamer for $30 at Lowe's I think.
  22. You guys should just go to Lee Gardens. Louie will treat you right.
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