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Everything posted by dsm_sleeper

  1. Congrats. I've considered one of those. If you bring it to C&C, I'll have to check it out.
  2. That's good to read. I've been waiting on jalopnik to do a writeup on one. I may get one next.
  3. I can't suggest a specific car but I want to say that it's good that you are concerned about gas mileage. Nothing spoils a good romp on the track more than poor MPGs.
  4. What a great evening. Thanks for making it happen Clay!
  5. Sorry to read that Joe. Here are a few things that may be helpful to look at: https://www.ldnscience.org/resources/interviews/interview-burton-berkson https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/systemic-proteolytic-enzymes/
  6. welcome pics or it didn't happen
  7. Welcome back, Kotter errr I mean burgboy73
  8. AUTOX LOL PS: Thanks for compiling the list Cordell.
  9. That is why I have very little interest in instructing.
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