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Everything posted by dsm_sleeper

  1. http://shirtshovel.com/products/movies/officespace/damnitfeelsgood-434.jpg
  2. dsm_sleeper


    http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/6286944/Vinyl-Attraction-Serenity-Prayer-Vinyl-Wall-Art-P13919843.jpg Good luck.
  3. Let's not forget the cars with non-working wipers and/or no tread on their tires.
  4. I know of a local guy that may be interested in selling his Innovate/Sprintex kit.
  5. you must go back to the future to find out!
  6. I moved but I didn't fill it out.
  7. dsm_sleeper


    Welcome. I still want to try rallycross. It looks fun.
  8. If you plan to stay on paved surfaces, AWD.
  9. "Alligators" are ornery 'cause of their "Medula Oblongata"!
  10. I think it preemptively got me. I was getting ready to create a post about...well...it doesn't matter anymore.
  11. Money, long sleeves, pants and a helmet. Oh and a car that passes tech.
  12. Was this the Lewis Center location? My wife just called the Hilliard location about her VW and they said they can't do it.
  13. http://www.closureathome.com/About_Us.html Highly recommended. We hoped ours would die in her sleep so that we wouldn't have to make that decision but after researching we discovered that most don't go peacefully in their sleep. Unfortunately many more die from organ failure, dehydration, or even starvation because they feel too sick to eat. Euthanasia was the best choice and having it done at home was the most compassionate thing we could do.
  14. ...and knowing that the measures proposed are either ineffective or unrealistic or both.
  15. I think the elephant in the room here is depression. Until you get that under control, things won't be appealing and change will be overwhelming. Exercise and going back to counseling are good ideas. Try for a few months and see how things go. Good luck! Alcohol isn't helping.
  16. Plenty of people change careers a lot later in life. 28 is early so if that what you want to do, go for it. Better question: Do you want to spend the next 37 or so years doing what you are doing?
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