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Everything posted by alibies

  1. alibies

    Free ferret

    man id love to have this ferret
  2. alibies

    Free ferret

    im interested too im in high school and would have plenty of time to play with him, im looking for a pet i can take to school after highschool too. in both of them dont want it ill take it
  3. damn man i didnt know you were on here! no i never got around to the size... i just wana go with something big but not too big.. rwd only :-( what happened to your tour?!
  4. mopar fucking rules smile.gif although... i suddenly feel like getting a mullet... ... ok its gone now
  5. derek... do you own a 3 ltr contour?
  6. nah from what i hear its gone... sorry if i hear anything about another dog for free ill post
  7. theres no connection to the wheels then right... like its wheels are both just loose? if so itd be sweet to have one with a normal motor for low speed stuff and then have the rockets kick in on the upper speeds smile.gif
  8. alibies

    AOL sucks

    hehe aol 6.0 is easy to get, so is vd smile.gif
  9. damn a 5.9 in the dakota? SHEeet i got a buck fiddy... smile.gif bump
  10. damn a 5.9 in the dakota? SHEeet i got a buck fiddy... smile.gif bump
  11. put up a make shift gate and if they just tear it down you can call the cops and say they broke in... or you can do that and make them schedule the time to be there and make them pay $ for it
  12. alibies

    Best advice

    life is like a game of chess, if you give your self the time to make the right decisions youll be fkin the queen smile.gif -me
  13. thats what i always do... shops make you pay like 20+ for it and autozone will do it for free in hopes that you will buy the parts needed
  14. if you get a contour make sure you get the v6... and a manual... it would be best if you could find the SVT model! www.contour.org i drove a 4cyl model for a wile and it seemed like it was always just slow as hell!
  15. dude... if you like her tell her, girls like it when a guy will say, hey, i like you a lot and dont want to *miss out* on seeing you again. (if you say it that way they feel better about themselves because it makes them feel like they are a treasure... and thats what its all about anyway right) (dont use the word date unless she does because spending together loses meaning when labled as a date... call it spending time together) i agree with mesteno, youve already kissed her before right then shes already decided that your on the good list... tell her you like her and wana date her
  16. if it were free id totaly take it, it wouldnt look so bad in the back if it was just the eclipse lights not the altezzas... rip off the wing and erector set crap and it might be a little better... enough to drive maybe
  17. auctually... i work with her smile.gif graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif -brad-
  18. ryan... you dont have to want to look macho,you already are. The broad sholders, big hands, buck teeth, unibrow, and mullet do it for ya
  19. alibies

    holly crap

    the judge said he put me on probation does that mean im gona get a call from an officer and all? if so i hear that could be good for me because i have 2 jobs and no work prevleges the first 90 days... someone said theyd help get me prevleges the 90
  20. alibies

    holly crap

    any lawers on there?
  21. alibies

    holly crap

    this was my first moving violation and i didnt get wreckless op because i was nice to the trooper
  22. alibies

    holly crap

    bite me ryan... the judge was pissed because i was his last case of the day. so starting off i was in no shape to get a good deal.........
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