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Everything posted by alibies

  1. alibies

    holly crap

    my first speeding ticket ever and the judge gives me 90 days no license and 90 more days after that with prevleges =0 180 days! my cuz has had 3 and is just spending this kinda time! the judge for knox has problems! 180 days 152$ and i have to re-take the driving exam and pay for all of that crap WTF! oh yeah he put me on probation too... (i dressed up, smiled, did the whole yes sir no sir bull too so i wasnt unrully... and the trooper wrote on the ticket that i was nice)
  2. you could find someone with one of those trailers with metal framing but wood floors pull out the middle boards and just drive it up on the trailer
  3. the lady that rents out of my parents buildings has to get rid of her 4-5 month old boxer pup and she wants to give it away for free... otherwise it goes to the pound, i told her id post about it on here before she pounds the dog smile.gif pm me if you want it
  4. Wackiness: 106/100 Rationality: 80/100 Constructiveness: 84/100 Leadership: 94/100 You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you. You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle. Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them! You may be a rock star.
  5. they just wouldnt let you in because you might have gotten in a fight with someone, become enraged... and taken over their country.......... smile.gif
  6. my parents are looking to buy a pop up camper... looking for something nice... newer is what they want but if its nice and not too old then it should be ok thanks, brad
  7. alibies


    from what i hear i might auctually get the choice of 3 weeks or 6 weeks with prevleges... i go on vacation in 2 weeks so it might work out with 3 weeks... :-D
  8. alibies


    geesh cops can be somethin else... i think im gona ask for prevleges because i have 2 jobs... 1 at polaris and one in centerburg... wiring up emergency vehicles non the less... if you ever see a cop car in genoa twnship i probably helped wire it up
  9. rip the wing off... the grill is fixable... pimp it...
  10. alibies


    i thought the penalty for over the speed limit by 20 mph was worse than 6 weeks... god i hope not
  11. alibies


    UGG... well... i diserved it... i had to get home to poop tho... damn that sucks... what i mean by being swiped clean off my record is the judge threw it out...
  12. alibies


    im 17 what do u think my punishment will be?
  13. alibies


    thank you for being so serious... he didnt cite me for wreckless op ... im just wounderin what the punishment could be... like no license...? what ya think?
  14. alibies


    ive had 1 accident (wiped clean from record) 1 ticket for no seat belt and a newly awarded ticket for speeding... it was a 76 in a 55 the cop was real nice and said that hed make a note that i was cooperative and nice it was in knox county... anyone have an idea of what i might get?
  15. whats the song in the 3rd to last one? :-x
  16. hell of a show car......
  17. http://mirror.llsoc.com/?page=videos&stream=video050804_3_smoke.wmv
  18. http://www.canal96.info/extra/britney/
  19. alibies

    fun game

    fun http://2flashgames.com/f/f-511.htm my record is 77 the picture at 77 is Robin... almost got knocked out at one point when there was a pic of girls wrasslin
  20. alibies


  21. looks like a caddy kinda
  22. my AMD type R will run anything...
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