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Everything posted by alibies

  1. i wasnt making fun of you... just saying that you told me on the phone that you would sell it to me for 2k... now your saying 3.5
  2. just like in a house repainting the car is concidered up-keep and shouldnt be added into the price of the vehicle... it has over 100000 miles and is an 87' NADA the vehicle is worth $513 in good condition... i know its a shelby... but that only goes so far... youve even raised the price of the vehicle since the begining of this thread... i will buy this vehicle if you can get the price in a range that is closer to the correct value... Good day to you sir!
  3. if it was droped a few bucks id be ALL over it! ... i may still come look at it im undecided.. depends on how good it is..... & how low u can go...
  4. i would love this car but its a little over priced... sorry
  5. cool im gona look into comin to see it, possibly call you this coming weekend miles?
  6. use myjal its easy and less hard to get working www.gomyteam.com
  7. im interested... pics? alibies@gmail.com
  8. lol no one saw the banner?
  9. http://gallery.illcash.com/2f2w/6/images/DSCN5609_JPG.jpg nws for bewbies
  10. i think i might take it email me your number or i.m. me it so i can come see it aim = in4mor4to or email alibies@gmail.com thanks brad
  11. i saw you at easton saturday i think... car sounds good... although you scared the shit out of my gf when you revvvved it a few times................. sounded like the supercharger is louder than the exhaust...
  12. alibies

    cougar or focus

    focus has a larger amont of mods available
  13. the guys prolly goin... wtf... W? ... eh... oh well...
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v631/softlyspokenloudlyunderstood/138392.gif
  15. back when The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties haha
  16. i had a boom box do that once... fell behind my dresser... had no clue what it was... i was like *thud* *mild heartattack* WTF! then i proceded to turn on all the lights in the house holding a big ass damn knife... whats even freakier is when you have a door that dosnt get shut all the way and you get up to take a pee in the middle of the night to find it wide open... that'll freak yaout
  17. same thing happened when we were building our house... we built a pole barn first and the door on it was smashed.... we thought... eh at least nothing was stolen... a few days later we were gona use the nail gun and... sumbeitch... the compressor was gone... !$#%#!$^@#$^ dem thieves!
  18. excelent choice, i cant ever find nice cars and trucks like that...
  19. i love the color and everything... if it was mine id sleep in the garage.
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