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Everything posted by alibies

  1. alibies

    WTB camera

    havnt heard from you in a while (softlyspokenloudlyunderstood@hotmail.com) is my email
  2. alibies

    WTB camera

    ok THANKS! In4mor4to is my aim screen name
  3. looks like ronald mcdonald entered his car...
  4. alibies

    WTB camera

    i need a SLR (single lense reflex) camera (the kind that have skrew on lenses, and manual focusing), lenses would be nice it can be a newer style, or an older one. thanks brad
  5. we sell a book with all of those in it at barns and noble
  6. thanks p.m. me when u get the pics... brad
  7. i think its lame but i bet there are chicks that go wild over it...
  8. i like them, but i also think that we should start to produce the muscle cars again... (as they used to be, no remakes... )
  9. alibies


    http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/bunny.php i feel the pain of the piano player... :-( (sorry if its a repost (i searched..))
  10. www.contour.org click the classified link lots of svts on there... i would love one of them... if you lucky you'll find one with a 3 ltr upgrade
  11. i dont like the way it looks but good skills tho! nice to see a good photochop even if it aint my style welcome and nice use of photoshop
  12. asian chicks look funny with giant boobs...
  13. normaly people would bitch about your picture... but its so beautiful.... gto>most
  14. i know how you feel, they are like kids...
  15. "By Odin's mighty spear, I come like a storm and lay waste like a hurricane!"
  16. look at the other items SHE or gay he is selling... pottery barn items... womens jeans...
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