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Everything posted by alibies

  1. alibies

    att phone

    LG incite looks like this http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/sc/33397476-2-300-FTO.jpg http://reviews.cnet.com/smartphones/lg-incite-ct810-at/4505-6452_7-33397476.html gf had it for a few weeks and decided she wanted something else comes with original box and wall charger $100
  2. never been there, but my lady and i go to ruth chris next to j alexanders from time to time which is amazing!
  3. alibies

    Mazda 3 stuff

    the audio link should work on a mazda 6. it plugs into the extra molex connection input on the back of your 6's radio... some people have been able to drop the glove box and scrape their nuckles to get it in there, but removing the radio is easier... pm me if you buy this and ill get you a write up or how too
  4. gauges look like they're from a motorcycle, and I'm not digging the pedals growing up from the floor like that... other than that it looks like a sweet ride
  5. my boss has gone through 3 bb storms before he got one thats working... well... kinda... i think this would be a neat phone http://www.garminasus.com/garminasus/cms/lang/en/welcome/phones nuviphone my iphone is still the only phone to ever keep me happy
  6. alibies

    WTS: HID H7 6k kit

    tbutera2112 is right
  7. alibies

    WTS: HID H7 6k kit

    i wonder if they'd fit my 6... any pics? i might buy these if they would
  8. accurate did my windows on friday... the dude was super nice and super chill. For a 4 door sedan it was 170 + tax for 35% fronts and 15% back... he quoted 150 for my sister's RSX.. the quality is good too
  9. where did you originally find the rx8 wheels?
  10. anyone got an att phone they'd like to get rid of? my fiancee dropped her phone in the toilet and now we are one short... anybody got something like a blackberry they're looking to unload?
  11. i can get you a box, what driver are you putting in it?
  12. what exactly do you type in google to find something like this? girls+cucumbers? just curious
  13. alibies

    Our new pet

    i have 5 ferrets... they are the best animals ever! dont bathe him too often. over bathing a ferret can cause their skin to produce more oils and stink more!
  14. that for any ford motor cars? like... mazda?
  15. what car were these on? im interested
  16. i have the pre filter on my mafci check out therpmstore.com best customer service ever.
  17. i love cp-e! i have the cp-e mafci on my 6 and love it did you order any of it from rpm?
  18. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v23/101/109/53402110/n53402110_30144882_9375.jpg
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