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Everything posted by Maro

  1. http://thousandrobots.com/blog/archives/2004/11/jeopardy_colleg.php The rest of the story.....
  2. The idea of rolling my boys around in my hand just doesn't sound all the comfortable!
  3. Maro

    New car

    He is already on there, Ricochet.... as VR4
  4. Jealosy..... that is all that crap is. The Esprit is a bad ass car!
  5. In "old times", they ALL died because they didn't have a weather channer OR radar. Galveston mean anything to you? You, my "good" man, are FUCKING IGNORANT. Better hope you never need help, you douchebag.
  6. Take care, good luck, and thank you!
  7. Maro

    Half Life 2

    Where do you guys play? I have a server at Server name is FightClub. Come on over and let me know who you are... and ill set admin rights up.
  8. Maro

    Bunker Goes Boom

    WOW! Great footage!
  9. Anyone get them all downloaded yet? Is it worth it?
  10. LOL... no... looks like an 02 or 03 WRX... (maybe even just an RS)
  11. Wow.... the WHOLE 2 inches! Now that is saying something... Yo!
  12. In CA, an employee from the dealer went out to gas up the car.... http://www.mustangmods.com/data/2680/gt3.jpg http://www.mustangmods.com/data/2680/gt2.jpg graemlins/slap.gif
  13. Supposedly from an Ohio State party.... Anyone recognize any of these girls? NWS http://www.big-boys.com/articles/wetohio.html
  14. Like the start of the interweb.... http://www.planettribes.com/allyourbase/AYB2.swf
  15. That new scoop actually looks smaller than the current ones. I like it, personally.
  16. Um.... graemlins/finger.gif
  17. Here is a picture of the car.... http://www.centralohiosubarus.com/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=50
  18. Maro

    Andy parody

    What he said..... And that Andy Milanokis kid is fuckin annoying. I cannot believe that he got his own show... graemlins/nonono.gif
  19. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
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