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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Maro

    Real Life Autopsy

    Very interesting. Sad that the lady OD'ed, as it appeared she was in very good heath. The one kidney was a little wierd.
  2. Classic.... how do people no know when shit is hanging off their cars?!?!?
  3. Think of it this way.... The oil pump pulls oil from the sump (pan) and forces it up into the various oil passageways in the block and crank. The oil flows out of the crank journals, through the bearing clearances, and back to the sump. The bearing in your engine are actually NOT supposed to contact each other. The oil acts as a fluid bearing. Oil pressure is a function of the volumetric flow of oil the pump will put out and the volumetric flow that the bearings will pass. If you have a huge gap or hole in a cam, rod, or main bearing, you will lose oil pressure, as the pump cannot meet the flow requirements of the engine. My guess is that one (or more) of your rod bearings were damaged back in February and that is now showing itself. It really sucks... I am sorry to hear of your problem.
  4. graemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  5. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    See my post above.....
  6. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    Source all the way. Sooooo much better....
  7. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    We already have a server running at the house in GC.
  8. Nice smack down, Nate! graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. +1... I own all of mine.... I can't stand car payments (interest).
  10. I like it overall. A few songs are grating...but I think it is a good addition.
  11. Maro


    Europeans http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/video/neszehulyeparaszt.avi
  12. http://media.skoopy.com/misc/prague_girls/ I'll take the one in the black dress! tongue.gif
  13. Maro

    Doom 3

    You should try it with 3D shutterglasses! Scary as f*ck!
  14. Nice car! Let me know if you need any help!
  15. Thats cool...the first car I bought for myself was an '86 Cavi Z24 with the 2.8L V6. Black. Wish I still had it....
  16. Maro


    I like tracks 1,4,5,6,8, and 13. The others are growing on me. However, there are a couple on there that got old pretty quickly... But I have to say that Trent Renzor is still the man. Been a fan since PHM came out back in 89.... [ 23. April 2005, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  17. Maro


    After a brief run through...I like it.... and track 13 is my favorite.... Going to give it a good listen tomorrow. [ 21. April 2005, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  18. Maro


  19. Sucks...don't it! I don't really give a shit, cause I have to work this weekend....
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