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Everything posted by Maro

  1. http://www.randynagle.com/art/p51_2.jpg
  2. Maro

    Fat people

    Amen, brother....
  3. Hey Eric (Stig), well said. I don't think I have ever seen anyone debate a religious topic as calmly and logically as you did. You make some excellent points which I agree with. Just curious... is religious research a hobby of yours? (Yes.. I am being serious). I work with several devout christians, a few continually try to save me , and having an open discussion about the validity of the bible, etc. is completely pointless. It always ends up in a confrontational discussion. As far as religion being about intolerance, why do you say that? Almost all religions speak of compassion and kindness.... understanding and tolerance. If another chooses not to share your beliefs, what harm is it to you? Maybe it is about power and control. Then again, maybe it is about elevating your perception of yourself throught the negative judgement of others....
  4. Server been working alright lately? It was nice shooting with some of ya tonight...
  5. Maro

    Computer Games

    No problem...just thought I would offer....
  6. Maro

    Computer Games

    Who is building it for you? Me and another guy on here build them as a side business. We only charge $50 for assembly. You buy the parts (we'll even help you buy them), and we'll put it together and get it up and running. For $1,500, you could have the best of everything. Games I would recommend... Grand Prix Legends (old game but has been reskinned/retextured). Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 1942 (Desert Combat mod) Battlefield Vietnam Half-Life 2 Counter Strike: Source (My current addiction) Battlefield 2 (soon out) [ 04. June 2005, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  7. Here are my furballs..... Patches http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/cats/Patches.jpg Riley http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/cats/Riley.jpg Willow http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/cats/Willow.jpg Pugsley http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/cats/Pugsley.jpg
  8. F'in stupid. People need to be less judgemental of others. Isn't religion supposed to be about tolerance and kindness? graemlins/wtf.gif One word..... Hypocrites!
  9. Heh... I kinda like it. Hated it at first...but it is growing on me...
  10. Doh! What a tool... I kinda feel bad for the guy.
  11. Repost.... I recall that the concensus was it was faked....
  12. Maro


  13. Maro

    axe effect

    Been there done that. Gets really old in a hurry....
  14. NASCAR = WWE wrestling promoting + crappy announcers + dipshit fans. I liked nascar back in the 70's and 80's.... you know...when it was about RACING! I can't hardly stand to watch it anymore....
  15. Maro

    new to cr

    Pauses.... Why don't you use a ? after a question?
  16. What kind of bullshit footage was that? Geesh!
  17. I am in right now... mb he had it down for something....
  18. Maro


    What was this thread about? I am confused.... http://www.applefritter.com/images/arguing-5194_640x480.jpg graemlins/thatfunny.gif Welcome to the board Tiff....
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